October 15, 2015
1 min read

Nationwide Children's Hospital establishes research institute for youth suicide prevention

A new center focusing on suicide prevention among youth has been established by the behavioral health department and the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

The Center for Suicide Prevention and Research will serve as a resource of information for youth, parents, schools, clinicians and community partners on care for individuals at risk for suicide, according to a press release.

Jeff Bridge, PhD, of the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, has been appointed director of the center, and John Ackerman, PhD, of the Mood and Anxiety Program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, will coordinate suicide prevention initiatives.

Ackerman will focus on implementation of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program in area schools. SOS is an evidence-based prevention tool that increases awareness of suicide, teaches students about depression and suicide risk factors and connects them with support.

“It is hard to understand an adolescent feeling that the only way out of his/her anguish is death, and even more difficult to fathom the many younger children who contemplate ending their lives,” David Axelson, MD, chief of psychiatry and medical director of behavioral health at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, said in a press release. “We have a growing arsenal of treatments and prevention tools. Dr. Ackerman has contributed his expertise to our efforts for the last seven years and his passion for identifying and providing intervention to young people at risk will be invaluable to this new center’s goals.”

For more information:

Visit www.nationwidechildrens.org/suicide-prevention for information about the center and www.nationwidechildrens.org/Behavioral-Health for information about treatment programs.