
January 10, 2014 Articles

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  1. Bleeding risk increased in patients with cancer-associated VTE, chronic kidney disease
  2. College students who excessively tan might have psychiatric distress
  3. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages increased endometrial cancer risk
  4. Dialysis providers dig out from winter storms
  5. Dislocation/ecentration,incorrect lens power top indications for IOL exchange
  6. Eliminate missed vaccination opportunities
  7. Forus completes Series B funding for portable screening device
  8. Golimumab did not affect cardiovascular SAEs in RA patients
  9. H7N9 case reported from Hong Kong
  10. HA-MRSA infection rate declined in VA long-term care facilities
  11. Healio Minute Friday, Jan. 10, 2014 Edition: Keyboard distractions cause adolescent crashes, mental illness underreported, oral iron therapy holds IBD promise
  12. Improper use of biocides may increase antimicrobial resistance
  13. Internists preferred to coordinate with specialists for care of childhood cancer survivors
  14. Latest DOPPS data shows slight dip in hemoglobins; other indicators steady
  15. Limit use of sodium phosphate to treat constipation, FDA warns
  16. Lymphoma expert elected ASCO president for 2015-2016 term
  17. Men, blacks less likely to consider bariatric surgery
  18. Mindfulness meditation may reduce stress, anxiety and depression
  19. Minimally trained screeners can identify potential vision problems in children at similar rates as professionals
  20. New class of estrogen agents show promise in menopause treatment
  21. NxStage, Gambro Renal settle lawsuit, extend contract
  22. Outcome predictors identified in mitral regurgitation patients undergoing exercise echocardiography
  23. Physical examination continues to provide useful prognostic information in congestive HF
  24. Primary endpoint met early in trial of NASH treatment
  25. Smoking on the decline in most health care professions
  26. Stenting caused more ischemic brain lesions than endarterectomy
  27. Study highlights differences in use of popular upper extremity procedures
  28. Study: Baseball players track pitched ball with head
  29. Study: Smoking cessation increasingly lowers cataract risk
  30. Tibial nerve decompression failed to improve painful diabetic polyneuropathy
  31. TKA heightens infection risk in patients with chronic renal disease
  32. Tubes, adenoidectomy decreased OME duration
  33. Viralytics: Cavatak trial for late-stage melanoma reaches target enrollment
  34. Widespread access to new HCV antivirals feasible within 15 years
  35. Wright Medical completes divestiture of OrthoRecon business