
December 03, 2012 Articles

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  1. APA approves DSM-5
  2. CDC: This could be a bad flu year
  3. Educational, promotional activities mark National Influenza Vaccination Week
  4. FDA approves cervical disc system
  5. FDA approves mobile ECG for iPhone
  6. FDA partners with Medical Device Innovation Consortium
  7. Fifteen new genetic regions associated with CAD identified
  8. Filaggrin null mutation associated with atopic dermatitis in children
  9. Healio Minute Monday, Dec. 3, 2012 Edition: Mental illness update, Lupus-uranium nexus, 3-D printing goes organic
  10. Injectable steroid for back pain led to BMD loss in postmenopausal women
  11. Injectable steroid for back pain led to BMD loss in postmenopausal women
  12. Lid-parallel conjunctival fold test may enhance dry eye diagnosis
  13. Medicare will reimburse physicians for managing patient transitions from hospital, SNF to home
  14. Metformin prolonged survival in patients with ovarian cancer
  15. Monoclonal antibody GS-6624 well tolerated by patients with hepatic fibrosis in initial safety study
  16. OIG report on Medicare appeals seeks to make it harder to win your appeal
  17. On the verge of a new push for practice mergers
  18. Opioid-induced hyperalgesia might explain pain in fibromyalgia patients
  19. Optimal dosing of lopinavir/ritonavir crucial in pediatric patients with HIV
  20. Optimal dosing of lopinavir/ritonavir crucial in pediatric patients with HIV
  21. Patients with hepatitis at greater risk for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  22. Patients with hepatitis at greater risk for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  23. PDT with anti-VEGF temporarily better than PDT alone for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
  24. Radiologic surveillance for early-stage Hodgkin’s appears unnecessary
  25. Radiologic surveillance for early-stage Hodgkin’s appears unnecessary
  26. Researchers find new loci linked to low birth weight, adult BP, diabetes
  27. Respiratory infections may trigger acute MI
  28. Some instrument-cleaning practices need to be addressed to decrease TASS
  29. Specialists use ultrasound more efficiently to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome
  30. Statins plus improved exercise substantially lowered mortality risk
  31. Study shows similar IOP readings at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. in supine patients
  32. Ticagrelor not found superior to prasugrel in reducing platelet reactivity
  33. WCO intends to maximize impact of its work