
August 25, 2009 Articles

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  1. 30-day mortality similar between men, women with ACS
  2. Adverse visual effects after multifocal IOL implantation resolved in majority of patients
  3. Anterior segment diagnostics aid preop assessment, boost outcomes
  4. Are there advantages to the FDA’s stringent approval process for ophthalmic devices for physicians and patients?
  5. Botulinum toxin A resolves symptoms of superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis in study
  6. Bovine thrombin inhibitors: Eliminate their use and solve a preventable medical problem
  7. CYP2C19*2 variant linked with diminished platelet response to clopidogrel
  8. Extended duration VTE prophylaxis in cancer patients
  9. EyeCare America launches volunteering initiative for retired ophthalmologists
  10. FDA funding a critical issue in drug, device approval process
  11. FDA reviewing reports of liver injury with orlistat
  12. FDA, Qualitest Pharmaceuticals recall two lots of Accusure insulin syringes
  13. Global coordination sought for approval of ophthalmic devices
  14. How residents and fellows think
  15. IOL exchange shows positive outcomes in patients with opacification, dislocation or decentration
  16. Iris registration of little to no benefit in LASIK, study says
  17. New drugs may change the role of transplant in treatment of myeloma
  18. Optimal vision requires healthy ocular surface in cataract, refractive patients
  19. Orthopedists, sports medicine physicians urged to consider pros and cons of game-day pain medication injections
  20. OSSN treatment entails cryotherapy, amniotic membrane transplantation
  21. Patients who know HIV-positive status may continue to engage in high-risk behaviors
  22. Perceived stability may impact HIV risk among women
  23. Perceived stability may impact HIV risk among women
  24. Study finds similar results for bimanual 1.7-mm MICS, coaxial 1.8-mm MICS
  25. Sustainability key to long-term outreach projects
  26. Trabeculectomy produced more early postop complications in TVT study
  27. Vitreous cavity lavage may be useful for post-vitrectomy diabetic vitreous hemorrhage
  28. Young boy referred for progressive left eye turn