
September 15, 2008 Articles

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  1. Adiponectin linked to diabetes risk, independent of BMI
  2. Alcon launches +3 add power IOL
  3. Biological differences could assist in IOL selection
  4. Careful patient selection needed for successful high myopia multifocal implantation
  5. Colorectal adenomas infrequent among younger adults
  6. Corneal cross-linking with femtosecond laser gives good results, comfortable recovery
  7. Corneal inlay provides excellent near vision, good patient satisfaction
  8. Current methods of endothelial cell count, morphology have limitations
  9. Excimer laser platform shows excellent results in large series of patients
  10. Extensive screening superior to limited screening in detecting Trousseau Syndrome
  11. Men and women report different quality of life, pain levels with rheumatoid arthritis
  12. New femtosecond system improves LASIK outcomes
  13. New millennium has been a turning point for multifocal IOLs
  14. Pilot study finds lens, phaco system achieved good MICS results
  15. Preop chair time, neural-processing training vital for multifocal IOL patients
  16. Pseudophakic monovision better than multifocal IOLs in selected patients
  17. Study: Multifocal IOL position had no impact on contrast sensitivity
  18. The case of the unreliable HbA1c — Part Two
  19. Wavelight launches biometry technology for refractive surgery
  20. Work-life balance in the spotlight