September 01, 2005 Articles
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- ‘Atwal's balanced approach’ for glaucoma filtration surgery presented
- 64-slice CT can identify presence of significant lesions
- Addressing psychosocial factors preoperatively can improve outcomes
- Advantages of Milling Versus Broaching the Proximal Femur
- AOA initiates public relations campaign
- Aspheric IOLs enhance quality of vision
- Authorization, review and denial: what does it mean?
- Benefits of NSAIDs for CME prevention in cataract surgery
- Benefits of primary ACL repairs worth revisiting
- Bimanual MICS improves with increased surgeon experience
- Capsule contraction syndrome reported after accommodating IOL implantation
- Carotid vasa vasorum imaging can show preclinical atherosclerosis risk
- Connecticut bills regulate plano lenses, delegate eye drops
- Conventional lens implants provide versatile approach to presbyopia correction
- Corneal melting linked to use of topical NSAIDs
- CTA: collaboration and turf issues in noninvasive imaging
- Customized ablation creates larger optical zone for astigmatic patient
- Deep sclerectomy, punch trabeculectomy help control IOP
- Developed nations receiving more physicians from poorer countries
- Device reduces prep time for obese patients in cath lab
- Direction of NHS raises concerns among U.K. ophthalmologists
- Does computer navigation make life easier?
- Early multifocal ablation results positive
- Early multifocal ablation trials show enhanced visual acuity, surgeon says
- El lente ajustable con la luz tiene resultados exitosos en los ensayos clínicos preliminares
- Em Debate: Olho seco e alergia ocular
- En Discusión: Ojo seco y alergia ocular
- Encountering the ‘light’ of dedication to one’s profession
- Fees for ASCs need to be updated
- Femoral Version: Definition, Diagnosis, and Intraoperative Correction With Modular Femoral Components
- Fluoroquinolonas de última geração cobrem melhor as cepas mais resistentes, revela estudo
- Gastric bypass surgery may cure type 2 diabetes
- Globalization and health: great possibilities, great concerns
- Illinois surgeons face challenges embracing digital radiography
- Innovations in imaging continue to advance field
- Involvement in organized optometry helps profession move forward
- IOL parameters no longer pass the accuracy test
- Issues in pediatric ophthalmology include vision screening, ROP risk management
- IVUS being used to test new drug therapies
- Las fluoroquinolonas de última generación cubren mejor a las cepas resistentes
- Laser ablation profile corrects presbyopia by manipulating spherical aberration
- Leg Length Inequality in Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Lentes foto-ajustáveis são aprovadas em ensaios clínicos preliminares
- Longer surgery among post-TKA complication risk factors
- Microbial resistance: a concern for the future
- Microphakonit surgery performed with 0.7-mm tip
- Modular Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty for Hip Infection Sequelae
- Modular Femoral Component for Conversion of Previous Hip Surgery in Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Modular Junctions
- MRI ownership: What works well financially and what does not
- Multiple thoracic disc herniation: an overlooked cause of back problems
- Naproxen may interfere with aspirin benefit
- New society supports cardiovascular computed tomography
- New soft tissue release technique offers an effective treatment for bunions
- Off-label use of oral antibiotics effective for a variety of conditions
- Ophthalmologists lack ability to cater to visually impaired patients, study says
- Optometry 2020: forming questions, seeking answers
- Optometry’s evolution: steady progress, strong roots
- OSN editorial board reorganized to better represent global readership
- Over 75% healing found with ACI scaffold in talus
- Over time, multiple uses found for diagnostic tool
- Pain management in cataract and refractive surgery
- Periprosthetic Fractures in Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Presbyopia correction presents optical challenges
- Preventing and Managing Intraoperative Fractures and Perforations in Hip Arthroplasty
- Proximal/Distal Mismatch: Type A and C Femurs
- PTK treats Salzmann’s nodular degeneration, study shows
- Pulsatile polypoidal vessel aids in study of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
- Small infusion sleeve assists with ultrasmall-incision coaxial technique
- Some benign breast disease may signal increased risk of breast cancer
- Stability Advantages of a Modular Total Hip System
- Study: New intravitreal implant provides effective treatment for macular edema
- Study: Nidek software produces good results in unoperated eyes
- Surgeon scales a giant
- Survey: Self-reported dry eye higher in contact lens wearers
- The importance of NSAIDs in maintaining pupil dilation
- The Management of Malalignment in Hip Revision Surgery
- The Management of Version Abnormalities and Angular Deformities in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
- The Patulous Proximal Femur
- The Rationale and Performance of Modularity in Total Hip Arthroplasty
- The S-ROM Cementless Femoral Stem: History and Literature Review
- The S-ROM Modular Femoral Stem in Dysplasia of the Hip
- The S-ROM Modular Stem for Femoral Deformities
- The S-ROM Stem and Its Use With Alternative Bearings
- The S-ROM Stem: Versatility of Stem/Sleeve Combinations and Head Options
- Titanium cages for spinal fusion may increase cost with little benefit to patient
- Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Dwarfism
- Training the Scrub Person on S-ROM Technique Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Trial to test efficacy of anemia therapy to reduce CV events
- Two treatments with same target have different effects on NSCLC tumors
- Ultrasound offers alternative tissue evaluation methods
- Use of newest fluoroquinolones varies among practitioners
- Versatility of NSAIDs enhanced by twice-daily dosing regimen
- Visualization, animation a step closer
- What does the future hold for CAOS?
- With AMD on the rise, new retina drugs abound
- World glaucoma congress leaders discuss ways to improve research and treatment