
September 01, 2005 Articles

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  1. ‘Atwal's balanced approach’ for glaucoma filtration surgery presented
  2. 64-slice CT can identify presence of significant lesions
  3. Addressing psychosocial factors preoperatively can improve outcomes
  4. Advantages of Milling Versus Broaching the Proximal Femur
  5. AOA initiates public relations campaign
  6. Aspheric IOLs enhance quality of vision
  7. Authorization, review and denial: what does it mean?
  8. Benefits of NSAIDs for CME prevention in cataract surgery
  9. Benefits of primary ACL repairs worth revisiting
  10. Bimanual MICS improves with increased surgeon experience
  11. Capsule contraction syndrome reported after accommodating IOL implantation
  12. Carotid vasa vasorum imaging can show preclinical atherosclerosis risk
  13. Connecticut bills regulate plano lenses, delegate eye drops
  14. Conventional lens implants provide versatile approach to presbyopia correction
  15. Corneal melting linked to use of topical NSAIDs
  16. CTA: collaboration and turf issues in noninvasive imaging
  17. Customized ablation creates larger optical zone for astigmatic patient
  18. Deep sclerectomy, punch trabeculectomy help control IOP
  19. Developed nations receiving more physicians from poorer countries
  20. Device reduces prep time for obese patients in cath lab
  21. Direction of NHS raises concerns among U.K. ophthalmologists
  22. Does computer navigation make life easier?
  23. Early multifocal ablation results positive
  24. Early multifocal ablation trials show enhanced visual acuity, surgeon says
  25. El lente ajustable con la luz tiene resultados exitosos en los ensayos clínicos preliminares
  26. Em Debate: Olho seco e alergia ocular
  27. En Discusión: Ojo seco y alergia ocular
  28. Encountering the ‘light’ of dedication to one’s profession
  29. Fees for ASCs need to be updated
  30. Femoral Version: Definition, Diagnosis, and Intraoperative Correction With Modular Femoral Components
  31. Fluoroquinolonas de última geração cobrem melhor as cepas mais resistentes, revela estudo
  32. Gastric bypass surgery may cure type 2 diabetes
  33. Globalization and health: great possibilities, great concerns
  34. Illinois surgeons face challenges embracing digital radiography
  35. Innovations in imaging continue to advance field
  36. Involvement in organized optometry helps profession move forward
  37. IOL parameters no longer pass the accuracy test
  38. Issues in pediatric ophthalmology include vision screening, ROP risk management
  39. IVUS being used to test new drug therapies
  40. Las fluoroquinolonas de última generación cubren mejor a las cepas resistentes
  41. Laser ablation profile corrects presbyopia by manipulating spherical aberration
  42. Leg Length Inequality in Total Hip Arthroplasty
  43. Lentes foto-ajustáveis são aprovadas em ensaios clínicos preliminares
  44. Longer surgery among post-TKA complication risk factors
  45. Microbial resistance: a concern for the future
  46. Microphakonit surgery performed with 0.7-mm tip
  47. Modular Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty for Hip Infection Sequelae
  48. Modular Femoral Component for Conversion of Previous Hip Surgery in Total Hip Arthroplasty
  49. Modular Junctions
  50. MRI ownership: What works well financially and what does not
  51. Multiple thoracic disc herniation: an overlooked cause of back problems
  52. Naproxen may interfere with aspirin benefit
  53. New society supports cardiovascular computed tomography
  54. New soft tissue release technique offers an effective treatment for bunions
  55. Off-label use of oral antibiotics effective for a variety of conditions
  56. Ophthalmologists lack ability to cater to visually impaired patients, study says
  57. Optometry 2020: forming questions, seeking answers
  58. Optometry’s evolution: steady progress, strong roots
  59. OSN editorial board reorganized to better represent global readership
  60. Over 75% healing found with ACI scaffold in talus
  61. Over time, multiple uses found for diagnostic tool
  62. Pain management in cataract and refractive surgery
  63. Periprosthetic Fractures in Total Hip Arthroplasty
  64. Presbyopia correction presents optical challenges
  65. Preventing and Managing Intraoperative Fractures and Perforations in Hip Arthroplasty
  66. Proximal/Distal Mismatch: Type A and C Femurs
  67. PTK treats Salzmann’s nodular degeneration, study shows
  68. Pulsatile polypoidal vessel aids in study of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
  69. Small infusion sleeve assists with ultrasmall-incision coaxial technique
  70. Some benign breast disease may signal increased risk of breast cancer
  71. Stability Advantages of a Modular Total Hip System
  72. Study: New intravitreal implant provides effective treatment for macular edema
  73. Study: Nidek software produces good results in unoperated eyes
  74. Surgeon scales a giant
  75. Survey: Self-reported dry eye higher in contact lens wearers
  76. The importance of NSAIDs in maintaining pupil dilation
  77. The Management of Malalignment in Hip Revision Surgery
  78. The Management of Version Abnormalities and Angular Deformities in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
  79. The Patulous Proximal Femur
  80. The Rationale and Performance of Modularity in Total Hip Arthroplasty
  81. The S-ROM Cementless Femoral Stem: History and Literature Review
  82. The S-ROM Modular Femoral Stem in Dysplasia of the Hip
  83. The S-ROM Modular Stem for Femoral Deformities
  84. The S-ROM Stem and Its Use With Alternative Bearings
  85. The S-ROM Stem: Versatility of Stem/Sleeve Combinations and Head Options
  86. Titanium cages for spinal fusion may increase cost with little benefit to patient
  87. Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Dwarfism
  88. Training the Scrub Person on S-ROM Technique Total Hip Arthroplasty
  89. Trial to test efficacy of anemia therapy to reduce CV events
  90. Two treatments with same target have different effects on NSCLC tumors
  91. Ultrasound offers alternative tissue evaluation methods
  92. Use of newest fluoroquinolones varies among practitioners
  93. Versatility of NSAIDs enhanced by twice-daily dosing regimen
  94. Visualization, animation a step closer
  95. What does the future hold for CAOS?
  96. With AMD on the rise, new retina drugs abound
  97. World glaucoma congress leaders discuss ways to improve research and treatment