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Psoriatic Arthritis Clinical Case Review

Case 2: Treatment Options


Ethan Craig, MD, Vice Chief of Clinical Affairs at Penn Rheumatology, discusses the treatment options for the case.

Editor’s note: The following is an automatically generated transcript of the above video.

"Over that 18 months with his uric acid reached a goal of less than six, and he had no recurrent flares of the foot pain and swelling, and his psoriasis was satisfactorily controlled with topicals until he had a dental procedure around April of 2024. And at that point, the patient was instructed to hold his certolizumab, and when he went to restart it, he was unable to get a fill sent to him from his insurance company, and was unable to restart it as a result. He does report that he had been fully adherent to his dosing of allopurinol. He now presented to clinic with two weeks of absolutely debilitating right knee pain, which then spread to the left knee and given the presumed psoriatic arthritis versus gout diagnosis, he was provided initially a course of prednisone to treat this acute flare, but had a progression in knee pain and swelling despite prednisone, and in light of this, which brought him to the office for further evaluation."
