Pediatric COVID-19 Video Perspectives

Alexandra Brugler Yonts, MD

Yonts reports no relevant financial disclosures.
December 15, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Understanding COVID seasonality and booster schedules


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

The seasonality of COVID, at this point, is not really known. We have, over the past three years, certainly seen peaks in disease in the wintertime. Some of that being just due to proximity, we think, and other factors, but it has never completely gone away during the summer and we saw a rise in cases around the time school started this past fall, so we still don't really know.

It seems that, you know, the regulatory and research advisory committee approach is that this may become a seasonal thing and we'll update strain information from vaccination on an annual basis. So I think probably this spring, there will be an evaluation of how the strain-specific vaccine protected and what the circulating virus looks like at that point and they'll have to go from there, but it's still definitely a process and evolution.