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July 15, 2023
1 min read

Study: Most prescribed opioids remain unused after arthroscopic surgery

Key takeaways:

  • Researchers found 71% of all opioids consumed in the study period came in the first 3 postoperative days.
  • By day 4, 63% of patients had discontinued their opioid use.

WASHINGTON — Most prescribed opioids remain unused after elective outpatient arthroscopic procedures, and one-quarter of patients plan to keep remaining medication for future use, according to results of a study presented here.

“The overall message remains the same and the majority of opioids prescribed following these procedures went unused, leaving an average of 11 5-mg oxycodone pills remaining after every case,” William Johns, MD, said during a presentation at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.

Data were derived from Johns W, et al. Paper 7. Presented at: American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine; July 13-16, 2023; Washington, D.C.

In the prospective observational study, Johns and colleagues enrolled 185 patients who were aged 15 to 40 years. Patients with an active workers compensation case or a substantial past or recent usage of opioid use were excluded from the study.

William Johns
William Johns

Overall, 85 patients had elective ACL reconstruction; 26 patients underwent arthroscopic hip labral repair; 37 patients had arthroscopic shoulder labral repair; 23 patients underwent meniscectomy and 14 patients had meniscal repair surgery. The patients had been prescribed 5 mg hydrocodone-acetaminophen or 5 mg oxycodone-acetaminophen according to surgeon preferences. For 2 weeks postoperatively, patients recorded daily opioid usage. Additionally, patients completed a survey on postoperative day 21 about continued opioid use and plans for disposal of unused opioids.

Researchers found 71% of all opioids that were consumed in the study period came in the first 3 postoperative days. By day 4, 63% of patients had discontinued their opioid use.

When researchers compared usage to the initial prescription, they found 39% of the prescription was utilized, on average, for all procedures.

“Looking at this in a different way, that means over 60% went unused,” Johns said.

Researchers found the utilization rate of the opioids in the first 14 postoperative days was 40.4% for ACL reconstruction, 36.5% for hip arthroscopy, 40.7% for shoulder arthroscopy, 37.4% for meniscectomy and 34.6% for meniscal repair. The mean morphine milliequivalents consumption was the greatest on the first postoperative day for all procedures, with 6.6% of patients reporting continued opioid use during the third postoperative week.

At 3-week follow-up, 113 patients of the available 141 patients reported having remaining opioids. Of these patients, 24.7% of patients reported their intention to keep the unused narcotics for future use.

Johns said younger patients of high school and college age consumed significantly fewer opioids. Additionally, a higher proportion of younger patients expressed their intent to dispose of unused opioids in a more responsible way.