AMD Video Perspectives

Rishi P. Singh, MD

Singh reports consulting for Alcon, Genentech, Gyroscope, Novartis and Regeneron.
July 01, 2021
1 min watch

VIDEO: AMD treatment considerations in real-world clinical practice


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

For each of these we have really good evidence-based, in recommendations now based for each of these conditions. In the Dry Macular Degeneration case I think the data is overwhelmingly supportive, by AREDS2 by AREDS1. That Vitamin Therapy prevents the progression of Corneal neovascularization. Which is the progressive form to Exudative Macular Degeneration in those patients. And it's a 30, 30 or so percent reduction in overall per group progression. And I think that's very very important to see number one. Number two what we've learned essentially from our studies in general is that in Wet Macular Degeneration a Treat and Extend paradigm appears to have the best of both worlds. It's the best chance of, of stabilizing vision, reducing the burden of treatment and potentially having long durabilities and intervals of retreatment for every patient. And so we have data now, which is level one evidence for multiple prospective clinical trials that have evaluated this Treat and Extend regimen. And shown really amazing durability up to 16 and 18 weeks of time as well. So, we are really seeing a lot of durability with regards for our treatments in, in real world clinical practice.