Dry Eye Video Perspectives

I. Paul Singh, MD

Singh reports speaking and consulting for multiple companies, including Bausch + Lomb, Glaukos and Tarsus.
June 28, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Recent advancements in dry eye, ocular surface disease


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Well, I think overall, the biggest advancement, I would say, is our appreciation for the impact that ocular surface disease has on our patients' quality of life and daily functioning. That's the biggest advancement. I think, because we've had so many products from a diagnostic perspective, therapeutic perspective, both physically with procedures as well as pharmaceuticals, we now have the ability to really tailor our treatments, treat earlier the disease process, the pathology, and what that's done, as we've seen the impact of ocular surface disease treatment, we've seen how it impacts whether it's refractive surgery and our outcomes there postoperatively, pre- and post-op cataract surgery as well and glaucoma, my specialty, we do see that it impacts quality of life compliance as well. So I think the biggest advancement for me is our awareness, our appreciation, and our ability to not wait and wait and wait to treat these patients because the underlying disease is a disease that progresses, and once it progresses beyond a certain point, whether it's meibomian glands, the goblet cells, or other cells in the conjunctiva, once they're gone, we can't reverse them as well. So I think that's the biggest advancement for me personally, but we can go and talk about some of the new products that have been out and some of the new products coming out, but I think that to me is such a big important concept.