Dry Eye Video Perspectives

May 15, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Exploring new research in dry eye


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There's been a lot of research in dry eye and a lot of this really excites me. Some of the newest dry eye treatment researchers focuses on the roles of biologics. Several studies underway right now investigating TSG-6. It's a chemical used to suppress the levels of inflammatory cytokines on the ocular surface and inhibits the infiltration of Th1 and Th17 immune cells into the lacrimal glands and lymph nodes. There's a lot of promise there. Now, drexelone is being successfully administered to control pain in patients with neuropathic corneal pain due to severe dry eyes. Also in the pipeline are various methods to address Demodex in dry eye patients, including a 0.25% lotilaner solution which paralyzes eliminates Demodex mites by selectively hindering parasite specific aminobutyric acid chloride channels. There's another medication out of Massachusetts reproxalap, which is on its way through FDA approval process right now, it's a reactive aldehyde specific inhibitor. This non-steroidal eyedrop may improve inflammation without increasing ocular pressure. And finally, there's a new ophthalmic catalytic from Tel Aviv. This may be able to loosen blockages and allow for improved meibomian gland secretions in the upper and lower eyelid of patients with meibomian gland dysfunction. Kind of working similar to how dandruff shampoos work for head and scalp.