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December 23, 2021
2 min read

Exposure to formaldehyde linked to cognitive impairment

Occupational exposure to formaldehyde was detrimental to long-term cognitive function, according to results of a French cohort study published in Neurology.

“The effect of formaldehyde on the brain has been previously shown mainly in animal experiments, but very few studies have been done on humans. Our results show that being or having been occupationally exposed to formaldehyde is associated with cognitive impairment in a relatively young population (aged 45 to 70 years),” Noemie Letellier, MD, PhD, Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier, Universite de Montpellier, told Healio.

“For the first time, the harmful effect of formaldehyde on cognitive performance has been demonstrated in a large sample from the general population and not in a restricted occupational setting,” Letellier added.

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Noemie Letellier

Researchers sought to ascertain any negative effects on thought and communication process as a result of either incidental or occupational exposure to the colorless, pungent gas.

A series of seven tests exploring global cognitive function, verbal memory recall, as well as other language abilities and executive functions were given to 75,322 participants randomly selected from a national insurance carrier that covered salaried workers and unemployed and retired persons as well as their family members. Farm workers and the self-employed were excluded from consideration.

More than 215,000 participants recruited between 2012 and 2020 were interviewed and examined by a physician at one of 21 health screening locations throughout France, according to the study. Basic information regarding overall health and exposures based on occupation was collected through self-administered questionnaires.

Median age of all involved was 57.5 years, and 53% were female. Eight percent of those involved (6.047 participants, median age 57.5 years, 68% female) had been exposed to formaldehyde during their professional lives. Median age for the group that was not exposed to formaldehyde was 58 years.

Impairment level for all participants was judged by metrics based on age, sex and level of education, Letellier and colleagues wrote. Exposure to formaldehyde over the course of a lifetime was measured through a matrix similar to a previous French study known as the Matgéné project, which aimed to establish assessment tools for exposure to potentially harmful agents on the job and tie those results to health risk.

According to the study, the 8% exposed through their work possessed a higher risk for cognitive issues. Cognitive impairment was also associated with an increased exposure duration as well as exposure in a more recent time frame. However, the timing of exposure did little to mollify effects of cognitive issues among individuals who were exposed to a high degree.