Myelodysplastic Syndrome Video Perspectives

Akriti Jain, MD

Jain reports no relevant financial disclosures.
January 02, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Unmet needs in MDS care


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So MDS is a bone marrow cancer which has quite a few unmet needs unfortunately. The main area that we are really focusing on is patients that have already failed the backbone of MDS treatment, which is hypomethylating agents. After hypomethylating agent failure, there is not a lot of options and that's when we look at clinical trials. And some of the options include adding venetoclax, or using other agents like TIM-3 inhibitors or IRAK inhibitors or anti-CD47 inhibitors. So that's one big area that we need to work on, and the second important area that I would highlight is TP53-mutated MDS. The newer classification systems have now called TP53 MDS as TP53 MDS AML. We are working really hard in the whole scientific community. The prognosis of our patients with TP53 disease is not great. And that's one thing that we all need to put our heads together and work on and see how we can improve prognosis for our patients with these kinds of disorders.