Myelodysplastic Syndrome Video Perspectives

Akriti Jain, MD

Jain reports no relevant financial disclosures.
January 02, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Progression of pre-MDS conditions into MDS AML


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So, in terms of preventing MDS, that's a question that we get from our patients. A lot of times they want to know what they can eat to make this go away or if there's any special diets. So, this is a very important question for our patients. Unfortunately, we don't have something that can prevent it yet, but I do want to talk about certain pre-MDS conditions. Some of the terms that are thrown around a lot for our patients, it's kind of like an alphabet soup; it's CHIP and CCUS. So, CHIP is clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential and CCUS is clonal cytopenias of undetermined significance, and these are kind of pre-MDS conditions. Where, in CHIP, there's only a mutation that we can find a next generation sequencing and there's no lab abnormalities and in CCUS, we see mutations and some cytopenias or lab abnormalities. There is a lot of work being done on these diagnoses. In terms of clinical trials, we are trying to use certain targeted therapy like IBH1and 2 inhibitors in the CCUS realm to see if we can prevent these from progressing to MDS or AML. And so this would be really nice for our patients because CHIP and CCUS can progress to MDS AML depending on what mutation and what cytopenias the person can have, progression could be really high and this would help prevent the progression, so that's what we're looking forward to.