Myelodysplastic Syndrome Video Perspectives

Akriti Jain, MD

Jain reports no relevant financial disclosures.
January 02, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Combination approaches in future of MDS care


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In terms of future MDS research, a lot of emphasis is being put on combination approaches. There is a phase 3 VERONA trial that we're eagerly awaiting results on that combines azacitidine with venetoclax, which is currently approved already in AML, and we really are excited about its use in high risk MDS as well. And then even triplet combinations that sometimes we use in AML, so there's a lot of research being done especially targeted therapy for special mutations like FLT3, IDH1 and IDH2. So, we want to see how the combination of drugs can be used to treat MDS in the future. And then we talked about the recent IDH1 inhibitor, ivosidenib, was approved for the treatment. This is also some of the new promising areas in terms of MDS research because the IDH1 inhibitor was approved there are certain IDH2 inhibitors as well, as FLT3 inhibitors that might make their way into MDS treatment in the future. Other promising areas are immune therapy. We have a TIM-3 agent called sabatolimab, which is being studied, which is immune checkpoint inhibitor we have an anti-CD47 agent like magrolimab. So these are certain drugs that are being studied in phase 3 trials and phase 2 trials and will come up in the future for MDS treatment.