CML Video Perspectives

October 27, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Available treatment options in CML


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

That's the amazing thing. We've moved from just one tyrosine kinase inhibitor to multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Really, the question is, which one to use for which patient and why? You know, that's a luxury, actually, that we have a choice. And I think the question is understanding the differences, the likely side effects, and then, you know, monitoring and being able to switch from one to another if the initial choice isn't getting the maximal response.

Primarily, tyrosine kinase inhibitors are the initial choice, but we now have some new therapies that are hitting other than the kinase directly. There is even now a non-traditional inhibitor that hits in a different part of the complex that can be used if the tyrosine kinase inhibitors are either unable to be tolerated or are not working optimally. You know, the big question for most docs is, which is the best to start first? And that is an individual question based on, you know, the patient's medical history, what other medicines they're taking, what their concomitant illnesses are.