Multiple Myeloma Awareness

November 16, 2020
2 min watch

VIDEO: Unmet needs in multiple myeloma


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Let's talk about this as very nearer and dearer to my heart like the dispatch discretion. With health equity for all patients, all myeloma patients we see a significant proportion of patients with multiple myeloma case. If you talk about the demographics, portion of the US population is African American. And you see a significantly higher proportion of African Americans to be affected by myeloma. 20% of all myeloma patients are African American. If you look at the clinical trial enrollments for the African Americans, it is at the range of 5% for all the approved drugs for myeloma as of today. So, there should be a need for pushing to get these clinical trials open to these communities that really need them and there should be access to care or for the minority patient populations. And that only can be happening not passively but actively. And I'm glad that, people that are recognizing this as a problem at this point, and plan to work on actively. And I'm hoping in the future our clinical trial accruals for the minorities will be skyrocketing. The second last unmet needs that I call are the novel targets that we want to identify for all the immune therapies. We came from CD38 as a target, BCMA as a target, there are no more targets like the GPRC5D, there are more targets that needed to be identified out in the fields. My colleagues are working on this actively as well. Last but not the least, we had seen significant improvement with combination treatments with immunotherapies and probably the field is going there. I'm very encouraged and eager to see where we see how clinically beneficial this could be with combination of different patients.