Multiple Myeloma Awareness

July 31, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Challenge of ‘identifying the right treatment for the right myeloma patient’


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

The biggest challenge that we see, is with identifying the right treatment for the right myeloma patient. So understanding the toxicities that is given with each of these agents and minimizing or making a proper dose reductions is the key to deliver the drugs safely. What I always say is, we want the patient to remember us for the benefits that we give but not for the toxicities that we give. So goes back all the way from the proteasome inhibitor to Kyprolis or Carfilzomib. Carfilzomib is a potent proteasome inhibitor, which means like there are some off target side effects, due to proteasome manufacturing. And which is one of the major things that we see is hypertensive crisis. And we see some cardiac toxicity. And somebody has an ejection fraction of 30% may not be the right drug, so we avoid it completely. So there are some patients where I wanted them extremely carefully take the health of cardio-oncologist, who understands the cardiac aspect of the same drugs, and I can understand the oncology aspect of the same drugs. And we believe this partnership certainly helps us to give that drug in the most safest way this is, this is one example. So in terms of coming to the cellular therapies, like I always see those patients who are not a candidate for a transplant typically are not a candidate for a copy therapy, so that is probably the benchmark orders. What we want is again, the then clinical benefit for the patient not for the toxicities of the agents that we, that we had entered.