Multiple Myeloma Awareness

July 31, 2023
4 min watch

VIDEO: BCMA-targeted immunotherapy for multiple myeloma


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

I'll take you through why we are looking at specific targets. So we went through, I'll give you the simple example of Daratumumab. Daratumumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets cd38. So, the idea of identifying an ideal target is to find the target specifically on the tumor cell, and it should have minimal presence on other normal cells to minimize any off-target side effects. So, that's where cd38 has shown to be a great ideal target. And as you had seen, with significant superior efficacy for patients, for relapse refractory patients and led to the approval of Daratumumab, as well as Institute smell. Now B-cell maturation antigen is a similar target in identifying the target cell which is highly selective to plasma cells or myeloma cells. So with minimal presence the other cells, other the normal cells. So leading to less off-target side effects. So what are the agents that we have right now currently in clinical practice that are targeting BCMA? We have a antibody drug conjugate called the launch map which has been shown in dream two study that it was able to deliver benefit, significant benefit, of rather than three months in data refractory patients in terms of the PFS and the duration of responses are significantly higher and time to next treatment are beyond the eight or nine month mark. So that is where the antibody drug conjugates have currently placed themselves. With really identifying a good target, you're able to deliver the drug, as well as the PLR, and you're able to gain that clinical benefit. So now moving on to the other immunotherapies where we had seen significant enough, significant benefit are Bi-specific T-cell engagers. So there are several compounds in the clinical trials at this point by several manufacturers. And we are seeing that there is a significant benefit with using these Bispecific T-cell engagers which not only target the cell with one hand with the other arm they bring in... In effect so, do the job right there. And you are clinically seeing this benefit to be really visible in myeloma patients. So now moving to the CAR T-Cell treatments. The specifics that we have, currently, I believe we have close to 40 compounds in the clinical trials. And with most of these are anti-BCMA based at this point. And we are seeing significant activity with the Johnson product with the Celgene product, which are really uuhm, in the pipeline at this point which are further in the development. And we probably might be seeing an approval even towards as early as early part of next year with bb2121 being the furthest end of the development of CAR T Cell treatments. These are all BCMA based targeted therapies. Having seen the movement or the development of these agents over the last uhm decade, What I see at this point in terms of the anti-obesity in my targeted therapies is really amazing. And I'm hoping to see the combinations of these agents in the future and other novel targets as well.