Fact checked byMindy Valcarcel, MS

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June 28, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Insights on treating pustular psoriasis

Fact checked byMindy Valcarcel, MS

In this video, Tracey Henslee, CRNP, discusses the treatment of pustular psoriasis, a highlight of this year’s Fall Clinical Dermatology Conference for PAs & NPs held in Orlando.

The session, presented by Henslee and Boni Elewski, MD, both of University of Alabama at Birmingham, provided insights on how to treat the rare but serious condition.

“If you see this in your clinic, don’t treat it with prednisone,” Henslee said. 

“Also, make sure you either try to refer patients to the emergency department for hospitalization, or just keep very close follow-up, because these patients can get sick very quickly,” Henslee continued.

Additionally, a new interleukin-36 inhibitor, spesolimab-sbzo (Spevigo, Boehringer Ingelheim), was introduced as a promising treatment option for generalized pustular psoriasis. The availability of an effective treatment represents a significant development in managing the disease, Henslee said.