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Hpv Vaccine

February 24, 2022
3 min read

Oropharyngeal cancer incidence, mortality rise across US

Oropharyngeal cancer incidence, mortality rise across US

Oropharyngeal cancer incidence and mortality have increased steadily among men in the United States during the past 2 decades, according to study results published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

February 15, 2022
1 min read

9 important updates for National Cancer Prevention Month

9 important updates for National Cancer Prevention Month

February is National Cancer Prevention Month.

January 27, 2022
1 min read

Top in hem/onc: HPV vaccine and cervical cancer, diet and exercise for cancer survivors

Top in hem/onc: HPV vaccine and cervical cancer, diet and exercise for cancer survivors

Recent evidence indicates that mortality due to cervical cancer may have decreased as much as 50% among younger populations vaccinated against HPV. A video discussion of the data was the top story in hematology/oncology last week.

January 25, 2022
1 min watch

Despite benefits of catch-up series, HPV vaccination efforts must ‘remain on the young’

Despite benefits of catch-up series, HPV vaccination efforts must ‘remain on the young’

In the final installment of a four-video series timed to Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Maurie Markman, MD, spoke with Healio about which adults may derive the most benefit from catch-up HPV vaccination.

January 21, 2022
1 min watch

Emphasis on cancer prevention benefits can help overcome HPV vaccine hesitancy

Emphasis on cancer prevention benefits can help overcome HPV vaccine hesitancy

In the third installment of a four-video series timed to Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Maurie Markman, MD, spoke with Healio about how clinicians can help overcome HPV vaccine hesitancy.

January 20, 2022
5 min read

Q&A: Pandemic may hinder HPV vaccination efforts

Q&A: Pandemic may hinder HPV vaccination efforts

The COVID-19 pandemic could reverse improvements made in recent decades toward HPV vaccination efforts, according to Mona Saraiya, MD, MPH.

January 18, 2022
1 min watch

HPV vaccination results in ‘real’ reduction in cervical cancer

HPV vaccination results in ‘real’ reduction in cervical cancer

In the second installment of a four-video series timed to Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Maurie Markman, MD, spoke with Healio about the impact of HPV vaccination on the global burden of cervical cancer.

January 14, 2022
1 min watch

Importance of HPV vaccination ‘impossible to overstate’

Importance of HPV vaccination ‘impossible to overstate’

In the first installment of a four-video series timed to Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Maurie Markman, MD, spoke with Healio about the importance of HPV vaccination.

January 12, 2022
3 min read

Report: Lung cancer survival improves, progress stagnates in breast, prostate cancers

Report: Lung cancer survival improves, progress stagnates in breast, prostate cancers

An increasing percentage of lung cancer cases are being diagnosed at an earlier stage, according to a new report from American Cancer Society.

January 06, 2022
2 min read

Vulvar, vaginal precancer rates decreased after HPV vaccine was introduced

Vulvar, vaginal precancer rates decreased after HPV vaccine was introduced

High-grade vulvar, vaginal and anal precancer rates decreased or stabilized after the introduction of the HPV vaccine, according to findings published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

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