September 05, 2024 Articles
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- ‘Clear as mud’: Why the FDA has not approved new sunscreen ingredients
- 96% of patients with PAH prefer a single-tablet combination therapy
- Access to care, education may improve early introduction of allergens into infant diets
- ACG updates guideline for managing H. pylori in treatment-naive, experienced patients
- Automated PD linked to fewer complications, lower costs vs. hemodialysis in some patients
- BLOG: Dry eye in the US: Some new demographic data
- Canagliflozin may reduce albuminuria, eGFR decline in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Edoxaban reduced clinical events with less bleeding vs. dual therapy for AF, stable CAD
- Greater exposure to PFAS during pregnancy may lead to higher body weight later in life
- Health-related quality of life ‘significantly lower’ for menopausal women with HPV
- High-dose psilocybin may help treat depressive symptoms, with small effect size
- Improving social factors may mitigate race disparities in preterm birth, preeclampsia
- Innovations in eye care with Steven Schwartz, MD, and Sean Ianchulev, MD (Re-Release)
- Longer PCP discussion may boost CRC screening, concordance rates among older adults
- Mental health of health workers remains a major concern following pandemic
- Monoclonal antibody superior to placebo in reducing migraine frequency
- Most women are unaware that healthy diets can help prevent breast cancer
- Multilevel intervention increases advance care planning for people with advanced cancer
- Myeloproliferative neoplasm risk among U.S. veterans increases over time
- PCL injury from high-energy trauma may have associated knee injuries, complications
- PJI after THA may be associated with more than fivefold increase in 10-year mortality rate
- Point-of-care testing may expedite movement of patients with ACS from ED to cardiac ward
- Q&A: What physicians should know about the COVID-19 summer surge and updated vaccines
- Q&A: ‘Widespread action’ needed to pass children’s early detection eye health act
- Q&A: How physicians can gear up for peak asthma month in September
- Q&A: RSV vaccination lowers risk for hospitalization in older patients
- QWINT: Once-weekly basal insulin noninferior to daily insulins in type 2 diabetes
- Risk for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome no greater after COVID-19
- ROI, time savings, patient care benefits all considerations when purchasing new technology
- Shared decision-making boosts trust in physicians among patients with lupus
- Suicidal ideation should always be taken seriously
- Three women researchers receive Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award
- Top in women's health: Youthful effects of hormone therapy, heavy substance use during menopause
- Top news of August: Tezepelumab breakthrough designation, pitolisant use in OSA
- Up to 1 in 5 children have the wrong race listed in their EMR
- VIDEO: ASRS meeting highlights gene therapy advancements in AMD
- VIDEO: Ophthalmologists may benefit from acupuncture
- Women in medicine roundtable, Part 2: On empowerment and advocacy