August 04, 2022 Articles
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- 'A long way to go': Nearly 90% of people with opioid use disorder do not receive medication
- About 35% of patients with non-radiographic axial SpA told disease is ‘in their head’
- ACR: Infants exposed to TNFi in utero should receive rotavirus vaccine within 6 months
- AKF uses emergency funds to aid patients affected by flooding in Kentucky
- Annual PSA screening may be especially important for Black men
- Asthma, respiratory allergy rates show decreasing trend among US children
- Birth by cesarean section may influence risk for childhood asthma
- BLOG: Our friends in the industry care, too
- CAIRS can be customized for treatment of keratoconus, other corneal ectasia conditions
- Can changes be made regarding disposable ophthalmic surgery equipment?
- Cannabis may affect anaerobic power, risk for cardiovascular disease in female athletes
- Consequences of open artery ischemia underappreciated
- Exposure to children associated with less severe COVID-19 among adults
- EyeSustain aims to reduce ophthalmology’s environmental footprint
- Glaucoma suspect presents with bilateral peripapillary cotton wool spots
- Healio Minute Podcast, Neurology Edition: Top Headlines - Week of August 1, 2022
- iStent infinite cleared by FDA
- Light stimulation may help delay AD progression, more research needed in older adults
- LumiThera acquires AdaptDx Pro from MacuLogix
- Migration associated with allergic disease among ethnic groups in the Netherlands
- Modern guidelines improve late relapse rates, outcomes in testicular cancer
- Nutritional intervention may reduce effects of aging on cognition
- Ophthalmologists can make professional, personal changes to help environment
- Ophthalmologists show a growing interest in private, independent practice
- Patisiran meets primary endpoint in trial for ATTR amyloidosis, cardiomyopathy
- Peripheral neuropathy common in patients with idiopathic, diabetic gastroparesis
- Phase 3 trial of Onivyde for small cell lung cancer misses endpoint
- Photoaggravated atopic dermatitis warrants more attention, testing
- Premature menopause associated with HF, AF risk
- Professional soccer players experienced persistent fatigue for weeks after COVID-19
- Regal Healthcare Capital Partners, veteran eye care executive launch InFocus Eyecare
- Resistance training linked to greater bone strength in adults eating a vegan diet
- RNS Keynote: Nurses have ‘profound power’ in achieving health equity
- Sleep EEGs may predict future disease, mortality
- Smoking quit attempts declined during COVID-19 pandemic
- Social isolation, loneliness may drive risk for fatal or nonfatal MI, stroke
- Top in hem/onc: Rise in late-stage cancer diagnoses; high lung cancer risk in smokers
- Universal CKD care programs in Taiwan reduced incidence of maintenance dialysis
- US declares monkeypox a public health emergency
- VIDEO: ASPC president discusses congress highlights and return to live meetings
- VIDEO: Considerations for contraception in women with CVD
- Women with PCOS have worse diet quality, exercise less than healthy controls
- Young people ‘most likely to experience injuries,’ no benefit from alcohol consumption