
July 22, 2022 Articles

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  1. ‘I don’t want to bankrupt my family’: Addressing rising costs of breast cancer care
  2. ‘One of the few strategy trials in PsA’: CONTROL sheds light on escalation, biologic use
  3. ‘This is amazing’: New tool can help assess clinical impact of somatic cancer mutations
  4. Adding daily potassium may improve heart health in women with high-sodium diet
  5. AI algorithm, pulse monitoring watch system gains FDA clearance
  6. Almost half of U.S. public health workers experienced mental health symptoms
  7. Amazon pushes into primary care with $3.9 billion One Medical deal
  8. Are there benefits in performing cataract surgery with a femtosecond laser?
  9. Atopic dermatitis disease burden multidimensional
  10. Cabozantinib did not extend survival in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma
  11. Cancer organizations ‘enthusiastically endorse’ Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, as NCI director
  12. Connection points help guide patients through IOL selection process
  13. COVID-19 vaccines arrive for young children
  14. Current trends in dry eye: What I am doing now
  15. Dialyze Direct acquires RenPro Renal Services
  16. Emerging treatment options for azole-resistant A. fumigatus
  17. Expert reflects on evolution of cataract surgery over 200 months
  18. Eyeluminaries podcast explores those who have changed ophthalmology
  19. FDA grants fast track, rare pediatric disease designations to WU-CART-007 for T-cell ALL
  20. Femoral osteoplasty yielded positive long-term outcomes for femoroacetabular impingement
  21. Higher dairy intake during pregnancy maintains bone formation
  22. Hooked on ID with Christine Thomas, DO
  23. In common femoral artery lesions, surgery confers better patency vs. endovascular therapy
  24. Intensive home treatment effective in place of hospital admission for psychiatric crisis
  25. Joint aspiration prior to reimplantation may not influence outcomes
  26. Large monkeypox study identifies new symptoms
  27. Lasers combined with robotics, AI will have big impact on ophthalmology
  28. Lung function deficits in preterm-born infants improved over time
  29. Man develops binocular diplopia, ophthalmoplegia, areflexia
  30. Marketing can increase disparities for those with skin of color
  31. Medesis Pharma receives grant to finance Huntington’s disease RNA interference therapy
  32. Mepolizumab reduces need for corticosteroids among patients with severe asthma
  33. Odds for reoperation, readmission after gender-affirming surgery higher for Black patients
  34. Omalizumab improves asthma outcomes among children with high serum IgE
  35. Patient enrollment underway in phase 2 study of novel dry eye treatment
  36. Proposed clinical models outperform standard scoring tools for mortality, kidney recovery
  37. Prosthetic joint infections: A ‘dreaded’ complication
  38. Rate of long COVID in hospitalized children nearly 10%, study finds
  39. SARS-CoV-2 infection in third trimester increases odds of preterm birth
  40. Several lens options available for patients who previously underwent refractive surgery
  41. Should patients with prosthetic joints take antibiotics before dental visits?
  42. Statin plus ezetimibe combination ‘alternative strategy’ to doubled statin dose in ASCVD
  43. Technology upgrades strengthen foothold of femto in ocular surgery
  44. Temperature-controlled mattress, pillow improve sleep onset, quality
  45. Top in GI: Beer helps gut microbiota diversity; depression risk in IBD
  46. Treatment adherence higher with testosterone undecanoate vs. testosterone cypionate
  47. VIDEO: EGFR antibody recommended for first-line treatment of certain colorectal cancers
  48. VIDEO: GI Outlook ‘back in-person’ after 2 years with fresh topics, focus on networking
  49. VIDEO: New OD center brand focuses on medical eye care
  50. VIDEO: Smaller-incision telescope aids vision rehabilitation in central scotoma