June 09, 2022 Articles
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- 2021 Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network policy increases transplant rate
- Acupuncture benefits patients with radiation-induced xerostomia
- Alcediag announces first blood test to diagnose bipolar disorder
- Asciminib safer, more effective than bosutinib in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
- ASM Microbe returns as in-person meeting
- Brentuximab regimen effective for younger patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma
- COVID-19 mortality three times lower in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated patients with HF
- Data find ‘direct correlation’ between air pollution and osteoporosis, autoimmune disease
- Early graft survival seen with HIV-positive deceased donor kidneys in positive recipients
- Educational intervention for 1 year did not help patients achieve LDL goals
- Euclid Vision acquires Visionary Optics, expands specialty contact lens care portfolio
- Greater awareness needed to fund migraine research
- Inhaled treprostinil improves persistence, lowers risk for PAH hospitalization vs. iloprost
- Leverage secure IT to increase value, optimize revenue of private medical practice
- Meta-analysis: Testosterone treatment not linked to short-, medium-term CV events in men
- MIS-C risk during omicron substantially lower than previous waves
- Patients with pediatric dermatomyositis need guidance on disease ‘rollercoaster’
- Phenotypic indicators predict ASD in siblings
- Physician’s ‘mission’ is to make sure every patient undergoes cancer screening
- Q&A: Even asymptomatic COVID-19 may increase pregnancy risks, study finds
- Relapse risk doubles in UC patients with histologic inflammation
- Reproxalap meets primary endpoint in phase 3 dry eye trial
- Researchers identify preferable eGFR equation without race coefficient
- Sequential pembrolizumab may be optimal timing with chemoradiotherapy in head/neck cancer
- Simplified drug provocation test assesses nonimmediate amoxicillin reactions in children
- Telerehabilitation yielded positive outcomes for low back pain during COVID-19 pandemic
- The debate over ultraprocessed foods: Should they be incorporated in dietary guidelines?
- Top in hem/onc: Impact of inflation on medical practices; FDA withdrawal of lymphoma drug
- Total posterior spine system is a cost-effective option for spondylolisthesis, stenosis
- Treatment setting, demographics impact adherence to biologic regimens for asthma care
- Veterans present with later stage, thicker melanomas compared with general population
- VIDEO: Collaboration with nurse practioners can help practices succeed
- VIDEO: Diabetes ‘champions’ needed to address health inequities
- VIDEO: Kiawah Eye meeting a ‘gem’ for eye care specialists
- VIDEO: Lower-sodium oxybate just as safe as oxybate for idiopathic hypersomnia
- VIDEO: Oral S1P receptor modulator induces clinical remission in UC
- VIDEO: Regular physical exams key to avoid retinal damage
- VIDEO: Treatment options for patients with overweight or obesity