May 25, 2022 Articles
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- ‘Clinically meaningful’ results seen with tralokinumab
- ‘Compelling evidence’ links SARS-CoV-2 with croup
- A 90-year-old woman with an interprosthetic femur fracture
- AI mobile app improves on ‘subjective’ patient-reported stool assessment in IBS
- Air pollution exposure linked to more severe COVID-19 outcomes
- An adequate amount of life insurance protects income, assets
- Bariatric surgery improves diabetes remission, reduces cardiometabolic risk
- BLOG: Teach patients how to recognize a dry eye flare
- CAR-T shows ‘remarkable’ efficacy as first-line therapy for large B-cell lymphoma
- COVID-19 mRNA vaccines ‘highly effective’ in immune-mediated inflammatory disease
- Dosing underway in phase 3 study of Aerie’s AR-15512 for dry eye
- Exactech, JointMedica announce breakthrough device designation for hip resurfacing system
- Expert shares tips for safe subretinal delivery of gene therapy
- Extreme heat linked to higher all-cause mortality among US adults
- FDA denies approval of Verrica’s molluscum contagiosum treatment
- First-line SGLT2 inhibitors lower risk for heart failure hospitalization vs. metformin
- Herpes zoster incidence higher among patients with IBD vs. general population
- HIV an independent risk factor for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- Hormone monitoring may play role in remote miscarriage management
- Hypomethylating therapy may activate, upregulate oncogene
- In what ways may staff, physician shortages impact resident education?
- Interdisciplinary care led to transplant listings for underrepresented groups with ESKD
- Low-dose ADHD drugs do not affect thyroid function, growth hormone at 1 year
- Modified suture shuttle technique used for outside-in double-lasso loop meniscal repair
- Nasal spray found effective in reducing symptoms from house dust mite allergic rhinitis
- OptiLight in the Dry Eye Practice with Arthur Benjamin, MD
- Past SCAI SHOCK chair discusses no-implant shunt, clopidogrel after PCI
- Personalized interdisciplinary pulmonary rehab improves outcomes in adults with long COVID
- Polygenic component associated with HCM risk, offering prediction tool
- Social media is an extension of environment, culture of a practice
- Study characterizes food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome in adults
- Symptom onset, mortality linked for those with Down syndrome, autosomal dominant AD
- Taller adults may have higher risk for colorectal cancer, adenoma
- TDP-43 accumulation likely indicator for patients with ALS
- Telemedicine acceptable for patients being treated for schizophrenia
- Top in endocrinology: Diabetic neuropathy; thyroiditis management
- Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement confers favorable 1-year outcomes, 100% survival
- Transcatheter tricuspid repair systems improve short-term outcomes in real-world cohort
- Transvaginal mesh noninferior to native tissue repair for pelvic organ prolapse
- VIDEO: Company using virtual reality to help educate patient care technicians
- VIDEO: Healthy vision tips with Alison D. Early, MD, part 4
- VIDEO: Immunomodulatory adjustments do not impact COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity
- VIDEO: Multidisciplinary approach needed to prevent violence like Texas school shooting
- VIDEO: Nathanson offers advice for aging surfers to maximize enthusiasm for the sport
- VIDEO: New technique helps reduce infections with buttonhole access
- VIDEO: Updates in pulmonary hypertension highlighted at ATS 2022
- Voice assistants should offer users ‘more thorough’ information on CRC screening
- Workforce shortage impacts all areas of orthopedics