May 19, 2022 Articles
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- ‘Turn the system on its head’: Value-based payment offers benefits for rural patients, PCPs
- AANA, VirtaMed release simulation training modules for arthroscopic knee surgery
- Antibiotic use before cesarean delivery does not increase asthma, eczema risks
- Cancer center appoints associate director for diversity, equity and inclusion
- Cancer death rates remain highest among Black individuals vs. other racial, ethnic groups
- CDC committee recommends COVID-19 booster for kids aged 5 to 11 years
- Chemical exposure during pregnancy increasing over time
- Distal artery access PCI safe; no greater risk to hand function vs. proximal access
- EULAR: Routine, proactive therapeutic drug monitoring unnecessary in RMDs
- For patients with COPD, mortality higher after admission for pneumonia vs. exacerbation
- Healio Minute Podcast, Neurology Edition: Top Headlines - Week of May 16, 2022
- HHS provides $1.5 billion to fund state opioid grant program
- ICD sleep apnea algorithm may also detect AF burden
- IV lithotripsy safe, effective for moderate to severe PAD calcification at 1 year
- Life-saving medication for opioid use disorder underprescribed in US
- Location plays role in access to diabetic eye disease trials
- Long-term cardiovascular risk trajectory predicts cognitive decline, dementia
- More severe CKD increases risk for poor COVID-19 outcomes with type 2 diabetes
- Mozambique becomes second African country to report wild polio this year
- Neuropathy primary driver behind higher fatigue in adults with diabetes
- Nyxol meets endpoint in phase 3 night vision disturbance trial
- Otsuka to end licensing agreements with Akebia after FDA turns down anemia drug
- Predicting suicide risk in adults optimized with combined in-person, electronic models
- Prepregnancy obesity associated with increased risk for wheeze in offspring
- Psoriatic arthritis trials should seek deeper remission states, end placebo controls
- Regimen provides ‘unprecedented’ PFS benefit in relapsed multiple myeloma
- Relapsing MS patients exhibit accelerated brain atrophy
- Renal denervation therapy improves time in BP target range, reduces CV risk
- Second primary melanomas show no increased mortality risk
- Should a prior fracture be a requirement for initiating osteoporosis treatment with an anabolic agent?
- Stanley C. Jordan, MD, joins the Association of American Physicians
- Three initiatives improve prescribing practices, care planning for older adults
- Top in hem/onc: Clotting risk in long COVID; insurance advice for physicians
- Tranexamic acid did not increase complications in patients with intertrochanteric fracture
- Treatment sequence key for optimal management of osteoporosis
- US, other countries report new cases of monkeypox
- VIDEO: Expert emphasizes screening, vaccination to control hepatitis
- VIDEO: Oncologist shares tips on how to get the most out of ASCO Annual Meeting
- VIDEO: SkQ1 reduced corneal staining, improved vision in dry eye
- VIDEO: Treatment interval extended with faricimab for diabetic macular edema