
April 24, 2022 Articles

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  1. ‘Hear Your Heart’ initiative aims to address HF disparities for Black, Latina women
  2. Abatacept shows promise for steroid-refractory chronic graft-versus-host disease
  3. Allogeneic HSCT effective for high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  4. Axatilimab effective, safe for chronic graft-versus-host disease
  5. CAR-T shows ‘promising’ effectiveness for high-risk multiple myeloma
  6. Claudette M. Lajam, MD, FAAOS, named chair of AAOS Board of Councilors
  7. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in autism caregivers decreased over time
  8. Diet, genetics and family history play role in AMD progression
  9. Early diagnosis, explanation of risk important for cataract surgery satisfaction
  10. Eprenetapopt combination improves outcomes in TP53-mutated AML, myelodysplastic syndrome
  11. iStent with cataract surgery lowers IOP at 8 years in pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
  12. Neurodevelopment in infants with CHD may be predicted in utero
  13. No mortality benefit of early ibuprofen in preterm infants with arteriosus
  14. Sickle cell disease increases risk for transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy
  15. Streamline system helps reduce IOP, medications in open-angle glaucoma
  16. Stress during cataract surgery depends on experience level
  17. Study finds racial, ethnic disparities in inappropriate antibiotic prescribing
  18. US study finds some increase in resistant infections during pandemic
  19. VIDEO: Carlos del Rio, MD, on the clinical benefits of Twitter
  20. VIDEO: Ophthalmologist returning from Ukraine appeals for used medical supplies
  21. VIDEO: Surgeon shares advantages of implanting newly approved EVO Visian ICL
  22. VIDEO: Virologist Angela Rasmussen, PhD, on safely attending conferences