
January 12, 2022 Articles

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  1. Acute alcohol use during holidays, special events may drive AF episodes
  2. Age cutoff of 14 years may be more suitable than 18 years for pediatric thyroid cancer
  3. Aromatherapy may reduce anxiety, pain in oculoplastic surgery
  4. Biden administration to send 10 million COVID-19 tests to schools per month
  5. BLOG: Building eye care capacity in Haiti, part two
  6. Cardiac mapping platform receives FDA clearance
  7. CareDx completes Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments validation of AlloMap Kidney
  8. Colchicine fails to reduce mechanical ventilation, 28-day mortality in COVID-19 pneumonia
  9. Collaborators to examine investigational treatment for reversing disability in MS
  10. Culture-based screening in US-bound individuals reduced multidrug-resistant TB incidence
  11. Diabetes education lowers health care costs, improves health care utilization
  12. Discovery of autoantibodies attacking nephrin in minimal change disease supports research
  13. Eye patients’ perception of clinician respect varies by race, ethnicity
  14. FDA grants fast track designation to CNP-104 for treatment of primary biliary cholangitis
  15. FDA grants IND clearance for ketamine study
  16. Flares, breakthroughs rare after COVID-19 vaccination in inflammatory rheumatic disease
  17. Greater incidence, severity of head injuries linked to late-life epilepsy
  18. Histologic activity not linked to recurrence in postoperative Crohn’s disease
  19. iDose TR shows continued IOP reduction, safety at 36 months
  20. Innovations, challenges in PsA diagnosis
  21. Intensive drug therapy improves stricture-associated inflammation in CD
  22. IV magnesium fails to decrease asthma exacerbation severity in children
  23. Medicare proposal would limit Aduhelm coverage to those enrolled in clinical trials
  24. New perspectives on CV risk assessment of prospective kidney recipients, donors
  25. Opioid overdose deaths increased drastically among older Black men over a decade
  26. Psychological distress among young cancer survivors associated with heavy economic burden
  27. Q&A: What PCPs need to know about at-home tests for COVID-19
  28. Quantifiable measures make treat-to-target viable for PsA
  29. Rapid testing can detect Ebola-related deaths, reducing transmission through burials
  30. Real-world study confirms Pfizer vaccine's effectiveness among adolescents
  31. Report: Lung cancer survival improves, progress stagnates in breast, prostate cancers
  32. SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes
  33. Sexual activity-related sudden cardiac death rare
  34. Sleep-disordered breathing early in pregnancy linked to insulin resistance
  35. Speaker: Consider surgical, patient factors prior to implementation of outpatient TSA
  36. Sunscreens targeting UVA/UVB light may not provide complete photoprotection
  37. Suprapatellar technique may provide successful alignment in proximal tibia fractures
  38. Survival rate rises steadily among patients with relapsed ALL after stem cell transplant
  39. Top in endocrinology: ADA guideline updates, metformin recall
  40. VIDEO: Mega prostheses seen as great tools, use with respect for complication risk
  41. VIDEO: New understanding about fixation of posterior malleolus and syndesmosis fractures
  42. VIDEO: Think in three dimensions for tibial plateau fractures
  43. Written exposure therapy may be more efficient way to treat PTSD in military personnel