
May 17, 2021 Articles

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  1. AASM survey highlights increase in sleep disturbances during COVID-19 pandemic
  2. Ab externo placement of gel stent lowers IOP
  3. ACTION: Rivaroxaban-based anticoagulation strategy fails to improve outcomes in COVID-19
  4. Alcohol consumption raises odds of AF episode soon after in paroxysmal AF
  5. AMD type has no impact on timing of cataract surgery
  6. Bimatoprost implant shows extended IOP-lowering effect after 1 year of treatment
  7. Cardiometabolic marker monitoring important for patients on antipsychotics
  8. Childhood AD shows small impact on educational attainment
  9. COVID-19-related treatment delays led to worsening wet AMD
  10. Dana-Farber appoints chief clinical access and equity officer
  11. Diet, exercise may help some transplant candidates lose weight but fail ‘for majority’
  12. FDA approves Empaveli for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
  13. FDA’s Unapproved Drug Initiative decreased market competition
  14. Few studies offer strategies for reducing pediatric cancer survivorship disparities
  15. Finerenone reduces risk for new-onset AF in diabetic kidney disease
  16. Gene therapy for sickle cell disease shows curative potential
  17. Hemithyroidectomy provides lower risks, similar benefits as total thyroidectomy for DTC
  18. Hospital, post-discharge quality improvement intervention failed to improve HFrEF outcomes
  19. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography may lower mortality risk after CABG
  20. Low steroid response incidence found in glaucoma, nonglaucoma eyes
  21. Medical groups endorse legislation to reform prior authorization
  22. Monoclonal antibody cocktail cut COVID-19 hospitalization, death by 70% in outpatient setting
  23. Mount Sinai team awarded grant to address racial disparities in cancer trial participation
  24. MPFL reconstruction is preferred for pediatric patellar dislocations with a loose body
  25. Mulberry twig alkaloids lower HbA1c with fewer gastrointestinal effects vs. acarbose
  26. New STRENGTH analysis puts spotlight on CV impact of omega-3 fatty acids
  27. Nonoperative management of FAI syndrome may be effective for adolescent patients
  28. Pancreatic cancer trials fall short on diversity
  29. People who use drugs have double the rate of readmission for S. aureus
  30. PIROUETTE: Pirfenidone reduces myocardial fibrosis in patients with HFpEF
  31. Preterm formula powder fortifiers noninferior to human milk fortifiers
  32. Q&A: non-endoscopic detection for BE, esophageal adenocarcinoma
  33. Real-life social contact increases affective well-being, social resilience measures
  34. Rheumatology staff-driven protocol boosts referrals to tobacco quit lines 26-fold
  35. Sacubitril/valsartan not superior to valsartan alone in advanced HFrEF: LIFE
  36. Sotagliflozin shows ‘consistent’ HFpEF benefit in new SCORED/SOLOIST analysis
  37. Studies offer insight on SARS-CoV-2 immunity among dialysis recipients
  38. Study finds improvements in kidney failure patient education are critically necessary
  39. Study in middle-aged women 'does not support' long-term use of sleep medications
  40. Supreme Court declines to hear Sandoz's appeal for Enbrel biosimilar, upholds Amgen patent
  41. Text message intervention improves knee osteoarthritis pain
  42. Top in cardiology: Hostility at work, FDA warning on cell phones and cardiac devices
  43. Top in ID: Indoor mask guidance, COVID-19 vaccine authorization in adolescents
  44. Ultrasound renal denervation lowers BP in medication-resistant hypertension
  45. VIDEO: Study shows high myopia progression in adults
  46. Weighted ‘lottery’ increased access to remdesivir early in COVID-19 pandemic
  47. What experts are saying about the CDC’s new mask guidance