
January 21, 2021 Articles

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  1. Endocrine Today cover stories from 2020: Diabetes tech, best diets, telehealth and more
  2. Acceleration time/ejection time ratio may stratify risk in asymptomatic aortic stenosis
  3. Average primary care exam lasts less than 20 minutes
  4. BLOG: ‘How do I get your job?’ in subspecialty medical, surgical eye care
  5. BLOG: How to become color blind
  6. Community health workers employed to increase cancer screenings save health systems money
  7. COVID-19 protocols shorten hospitalizations for labor, delivery without adverse effects
  8. Default interventions spurred rise in cardiac rehabilitation referrals
  9. Diabetes, insulin resistance associated with premature CHD onset in women
  10. Does Zika vaccine development need an Operation Warp Speed?
  11. FDA accepts new drug application for intranasal migraine treatment INP104
  12. FDA clears IND application for allogeneic CAR-T to treat advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  13. Gut microbiome a potential biomarker for nivolumab efficacy in advanced gastric cancer
  14. Hooked on ID with Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA
  15. Improved dermoscopy training in residency should be prioritized
  16. Increased length of stay affected patient satisfaction after orthopedic surgery
  17. Interferon in lupus: A complex pathway for ‘1,000 different diseases’
  18. LAI paliperidone use during early schizophrenia phases linked to better outcomes
  19. 'Little justification' for antidepressants in back pain, may be effective in OA
  20. Low TSH levels associated with incident depression among women
  21. More dietary fiber may decrease depression risk among premenopausal women
  22. National dialysis provider shows patients have nearly 25% mortality rate from COVID-19
  23. Novel test may predict risk for mood disorders by assessing brain protein
  24. Ocular surface disease common in glaucoma but may not be adequately managed
  25. One-third of colorectal cancer survival disparities a product of treatment gaps
  26. OSA may increase male infertility risk
  27. Q&A: Patient-derived organoid model may help tailor treatment for patients with UC
  28. Reflections on key opinion leaders in rheumatology
  29. Smoking may increase risk for developing symptomatic COVID-19
  30. Supply deal commercializes oral film formulation of riluzole for ALS
  31. Surgeon: Understand biologic variabilities for use in adult spinal deformity
  32. Tamara R. Fountain, MD, begins term as 2021 AAO president
  33. The Complement System for Dunces
  34. Top in hem/onc: Cancer mortality, Medicare Part B drug reimbursement
  35. Transplant center websites not accessible for many patients in the US
  36. Vaccine exemption rate remains stagnant among US kindergarteners
  37. Variants could complicate pandemic in coming months ‘but we do not need to panic’
  38. Zika 5 years later: Still much to learn as ‘likely’ future outbreak looms