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January 21, 2021
1 min read

Tamara R. Fountain, MD, begins term as 2021 AAO president

Tamara R. Fountain, MD, recently began a 1-year term as president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology by announcing a focus on pandemic recovery and supporting diversity in medicine, according to a press release.

Tamara R. Fountain

“2021 will be the year to ‘right the ship’ as we recover from a most devastating year, for ophthalmologists and patients alike,” Fountain said in the release. “This involves rebooting the practice of ophthalmology, the education of our trainees and the clinical care of our patients. I’m honored to support colleagues across the globe in putting our patients’ health first and protecting their sight.”

According to the release, ophthalmology lost more patient volume than other medical specialties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is looking at the possibility of Medicare cuts in 2021.

Fountain is a professor of ophthalmology at Rush University Medical Center and a private practice oculoplastic surgeon in Illinois.

She is past president of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Illinois Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons. In addition, Fountain served as secretary for member services and an at-large member of the board of trustees for the AAO.