August 24, 2020 Articles
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- ‘It’s never too late’: Tailoring glucose management in advanced CKD
- 12% of adults hospitalized with flu experience acute CV events
- 40 million teachers, adults living with schoolchildren at risk for severe COVID-19
- A ‘chicken or egg’ problem: Targeting timing of CV complications in type 2 diabetes
- Antimicrobial stewardship may increase use of appropriate TJA prophylaxis
- Antithymocyte globulin reduces acute GVHD incidence after matched sibling donor transplant
- Certain sociodemographic groups at higher risk for nicotine use, dependence
- Contact Lens Institute solicits ECP input
- DaVita begins clinical trials to better understand COVID-19 in patients with ESKD
- Details matter when participating in clinical trials
- Early medical thoracoscopy for pleural infection may shorten hospital stay
- Elective PCI for veterans at community centers confers higher mortality vs. VA centers
- Electronic health records found more reliable than manual chart review
- Ensifentrine plus tiotropium improves lung function, quality of life in patients with COPD
- FDA OKs convalescent plasma for COVID-19 amid questions about its usefulness
- Global trial ‘aligned around a single mission’ of advancing pediatric leukemia treatments
- Google searches related to anxiety reached record highs in early days of COVID-19
- How to move up: Tips from the C-suite
- HPV, meningococcal vaccine coverage improves among US adolescents
- IDC New York shifts to virtual format for 2020
- Lower flu vaccination rates at dialysis sites with more Black, Hispanic vs white patients
- Menopause presents critical time for CVD risk reduction
- Most rheumatologists view Down syndrome-associated arthritis as synonymous with JIA
- Multivessel PCI confers poor outcomes in acute MI, cardiogenic shock
- National economic factors associated with liver-related mortality trends
- No caffeine consumption safe in pregnancy, study finds
- Online Spanish language patient educational materials in dermatology lacking
- Phase 3 trial of regimen for advanced melanoma misses primary endpoint
- Radiotherapy for certain childhood cancers linked to long-term cardiometabolic effects
- Safe intermittent fasting possible for people with diabetes
- Social support, media use and sleep habits important targets for preventing depression
- Top in cardiology: Sleep apnea and AF, Kawasaki disease
- Treat-to-target approach significantly reduces urate deposits in gout
- Trump’s recent health initiatives draw mixed reactions
- Use of certain antihypertensives correlates with reduced incidence of depression
- VIDEO: COVID-19 pandemic leads to ingenuity in ophthalmology treatment
- VoteHealth2020