September 04, 2019 Articles
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- 75% of indigestion patients reduce or stop PPIs after education, rescue therapy
- Alpha-defensin lateral flow test yielded excellent sensitivity, specificity for PJI
- AMA releases 2020 CPT code updates
- AmEx recalls all lots of bevacizumab
- Autologous HSCT consolidation shows no benefit for certain patients with B-cell lymphomas
- BLOG: All the cool kids have a J-code
- Breastfeeding, sugar-sweetened beverages influence obesity risk in children exposed to gestational diabetes
- Clinical trial participation studies show possible survival benefit, misconceptions of patient concerns
- Consider biofilm as alternative theory of dry eye etiology
- Digital karma: Making the right choices as a premium surgeon
- Dupilumab significantly improves atopic dermatitis in Asian, black and white patients
- ENTRUST-AF PCI: Dual therapy with edoxaban noninferior to triple therapy in AF, PCI
- Experts discuss future opioid lawsuit strategies, lawsuits’ impact on manufacturers
- EyePromise launches nutraceutical for digital eye strain
- FDA grants orphan drug designation to Nerlynx for breast cancer brain metastases
- Golimumab efficacy in RA similar for patients older, younger than 65 years
- Greater cardiorespiratory fitness may reduce risk for venous thromboembolism
- High-dose influenza vaccine not superior to standard dose in patients on dialysis
- HIV-exposed, uninfected kids hospitalized at twice the rate of unexposed kids
- Horus Pharma launches Neovis Total Multi 15 mL
- ICDs confer reduced short- and long-term mortality in HFrEF
- Immune-related adverse effects of checkpoint inhibitors frequent but manageable
- Individual placement and support can help people with severe mental illness become employed
- Key concepts for enhancing profit growth
- Latest-generation LASIK technology helps patients achieve best vision
- Measuring densitometry in PDEK eyes
- Mobile phone intervention reduces TB treatment failure in Kenyan study
- NAFLD regardless of obesity marks increased risk for liver, GI cancers
- NASH more likely, liver fibrosis less likely with increasing C-peptide levels in type 2 diabetes
- New patient registry launches on PKD Awareness Day
- NYC declares end to measles outbreak that sickened hundreds
- Office-based cataract surgery may be next major trend in ophthalmology
- Ophthalmologists who plan for reduced reimbursements will still find success
- POPular Genetics: Genotyping strategy for P2Y12 inhibitor selection after PCI yields less bleeding risk
- Predictive low-glucose suspend system makes hypoglycemia less frequent
- Proximity to outbreak, trust in government influence vaccine views
- Psychiatric disorders tied to unnecessary oophorectomy
- Q&A: Text message system improves colonoscopy adherence
- Quarter-DMEK quadruples available tissue to transplant
- Refractive predictions equally accurate with intraoperative aberrometry or formula
- Retinal OCT before cataract surgery increasingly helps guide treatment choices
- Shared patient rooms noninferior to private rooms for halting ESBL transmission
- Slower decline in eGFR associated with lower risk of ESKD
- Statins, antiplatelets, RAAS inhibitors tied to mortality benefit after CABG: SWEDEHEART
- Stryker to acquire Mobius Imaging, Cardan Robotics
- Thermal pulsation treatment before cataract surgery can improve refractive outcomes
- Top stories in endocrinology: FDA fast tracks CKD drug, DPP-IV inhibitors may increase pancreatic cancer risk
- Top-line results show efficacy of LED cap for androgenetic alopecia
- Untreated aortic stenosis confers poor survival regardless if moderate or severe
- Women with IBD have reduced fertility
- Would you implant a multifocal IOL in a patient with age-related macular degeneration?
- Young woman presents with intermittent diplopia and nausea