May 02, 2019 Articles
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- HemOnc Today, Cell Therapy Next win awards in health care publishing competition
- ACOG meeting highlights practice management, data updates
- Anxiety, depressive symptoms impede diabetes self-care
- APA 2019 to focus on ‘revitalizing’ psychiatry
- April’s top dermatology stories: E-cigarette dangers, smartphone use as a Wood’s lamp
- Augmented reality headset may help AMD patients with central vision loss
- Bioimpedance spectroscopy reduces progression of breast cancer-related lymphedema
- BLOG: A way to look at leadership
- BP drug does not improve Parkinson’s
- CABG confers mortality benefit over PCI in multivessel CAD
- Cannabidiol cuts seizures nearly in half for children with rare type of epilepsy
- Combination lumacaftor, ivacaftor improves clinical outcomes in young children with cystic fibrosis
- Court supports track and field regulations requiring hormone therapy for women with disorders of sex development
- Deep learning system may detect HbA1c levels from retinal photographs
- Despite goals, less experience, teaching hospitals offer similar IBD outcomes
- Early rehabilitation reduces alcohol-related hepatitis readmission, mortality
- FDA approves cardiac device manager with iPad capabilities
- FDA approves Dengvaxia for dengue prevention in children
- FDA expands approval of Tibsovo for IDH1-mutant acute myeloid leukemia
- FDA: What you can tell patients about the ARB recalls
- FMT spurs ‘huge’ drop in hospital costs for patients with C. diff
- Gout linked to 50% increase in cancer risk
- Home OGTT viable alternative to clinic-based test
- How plant-based diets can benefit patients with NND-CKD
- Hydroxychloroquine linked to reduced risk for atrial fibrillation in SLE
- Innovators at KidneyX competition: Award winners look at access, hemodialysis process
- Investigators use data from rideshare apps to search for measles cases
- IV iron treatment lowers transfusions in cardiac surgery
- JAK inhibitors, ustekinumab show promise in SLE, more data needed
- Multidisciplinary program reduces time from cancer diagnosis to treatment initiation
- Multidisciplinary teams, shared decision-making may improve valvular heart disease care
- New agents, data highlight year of developments in bone research
- Norovirus outbreak sickened hundreds at California wildfire shelters
- OTS: Small businesses, big ideas
- Persistent HPV DNA may predict progression of certain head and neck cancers
- Physical function, pain interference tests may be reliable, valid for subacromial impingement syndrome
- Prevention remains the ‘holy grail’ for RA, and closer than ever
- Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for fracture sequelae had better results after conservative care vs ORIF
- Secondhand smoke exposure increases children’s BP
- Statins protective against myocardial infarction in SLE
- Telemonitoring not superior to CPAP for blood pressure improvement
- Time to recurrence of metastatic melanoma not associated with survival rates
- Top intervention news of April: New TAVR system, metformin benefit in AAA and more
- Top stories in hematology/oncology: Marijuana use rising among patients with cancer, genetic testing may reduce costs for breast cancer treatment
- Use patient-specific acetabular component safe zones for hip replacement
- VIDEO: Partnering with police to stop a wound botulism outbreak
- VIDEO: Pneumococcal disease outbreak strikes Alabama prison
- VIDEO: Top takeaways from ACP Internal Medicine Meeting
- Virtual reality-like rehab system helps patients use Argus II
- Youth suicide rates increase in the month after ‘13 Reasons Why’ release