March 14, 2019 Articles
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- A man with ipsilateral genu valgum, meniscus deficiency and osteochondral lesion
- AAOS aims to decrease the cost of and improve access to health care
- ACC chair: New Orleans meeting to focus on ‘transforming’ CV care
- Angiogenesis expert: ODs play vital role in diabetic retinopathy management
- Better fall prevention includes prescribing conservatively in those at higher risk
- BMI, bone density mediate insulin resistance and fracture risk
- Botulism outbreak linked to home-canned peas in potato salad
- Bruder launches dry eye products
- Committee updates guidelines for genetic testing in psychiatric care
- Correction
- Diagnosis of certain skeletal metastases may not be improved much by using PET/CT
- Dr. Pierce responds:
- Early use of cryopreserved amniotic membrane can prevent further corneal damage
- Financial modeling can help orthopedic surgeons evaluate first job opportunities
- Flexible stent receives FDA approval for iliofemoral venous occlusive disease
- HCV, HBV viral control improves kidney transplant survival rates
- Healthier lifestyle reduces pregnancy-related complications in PCOS
- Heart health awareness not strong in young women
- Hormone levels may predict PCOS in premenarchal girls
- Hospital cleaning bundle reduces VRE infections by 37%
- Individual signs, symptoms demonstrate limited accuracy in diagnosing acute rhinosinusitis
- Individualized lifestyle intervention may reduce type 2 diabetes risk in HIV
- Intensive treatment within the first year prevents early Crohn’s progression
- iStent reduced IOP and medications through 5 years
- Knee pain not linked to daily walking levels in mild, moderate OA
- Marshall University joins AURORA study for late-stage NASH treatment
- Meniscal repair with concomitant ACL reconstruction yielded high success rate in pediatric patients
- Micro-invasive ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release provides excellent outcomes
- MitraClip now indicated in COAPT population
- More teens, young adults report mental health issues vs. 10 years ago
- More than 280,000 kids treated for TBIs in EDs every year
- NCI scientist to receive Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research
- Ocular geneticists find high rate of misdiagnosis of Stargardt disease
- One approach does not fit all in ACL reconstruction
- Outpatient shoulder surgery at hospital-based departments linked with more unplanned readmissions vs ASC setting
- Panelists choose both branded, compounded agents for cataract surgery patients
- Patient satisfaction needs a team approach
- Patients with tibial plafond fractures had greater inflammatory response vs rotational ankle fractures
- Persistent sore throat combined with other symptoms may indicate laryngeal cancer
- Prevent Blindness names March workplace eye wellness month
- Prophylactic cranial radiation use in small cell lung cancer declines sharply after trial
- Reduced eGFR may be associated with increased cancer risk
- Routine visit leads to asymptomatic diagnosis
- Saving taxes with the lost home office deduction
- Severity of Zika outbreak explains microcephaly rate in northeast Brazil
- Sex differences in glioblastoma could lead to tailored treatments, improved outcomes
- Smartphone-based weight loss program comparable to gold standard
- Speaker guides surgeons through ‘mid-career blues’
- Stryker acquires OrthoSpace
- Take an active approach to fall prevention
- Top stories in oncology: Cryoablation may be effective breast cancer treatment option, mammography remains beneficial to older women
- Tramadol linked to higher mortality rates in older patients with OA
- Venetoclax, obinutuzumab regimen appears safe, effective for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- VIDEO: How to handle a capsulorrhexis complication
- VIDEO: Orthopedic surgeons may be able to prescribe fewer opioid pills than they think is necessary
- VIDEO: Polyethylene wear is not a function of time
- VIDEO: Presenter discusses ways biologics may be incorporated into sports medicine
- VIDEO: Presenters discuss upcoming drug trial of treatment for PJI with local antibiotic irrigation
- Vision screening for all kids, exams for those in need
- What ACL graft is best for older active patients who are uncomfortable with receiving allograft tissue?
- WHO chief laments violence in DRC as Ebola cases near 1,000
- World Kidney Day 2019: Kidney health for everyone everywhere
- Yearly net income, revenues increase at Harrow Health