
March 14, 2019 Articles

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  1. A man with ipsilateral genu valgum, meniscus deficiency and osteochondral lesion
  2. AAOS aims to decrease the cost of and improve access to health care
  3. ACC chair: New Orleans meeting to focus on ‘transforming’ CV care
  4. Angiogenesis expert: ODs play vital role in diabetic retinopathy management
  5. Better fall prevention includes prescribing conservatively in those at higher risk
  6. BMI, bone density mediate insulin resistance and fracture risk
  7. Botulism outbreak linked to home-canned peas in potato salad
  8. Bruder launches dry eye products
  9. Committee updates guidelines for genetic testing in psychiatric care
  10. Correction
  11. Diagnosis of certain skeletal metastases may not be improved much by using PET/CT
  12. Dr. Pierce responds:
  13. Early use of cryopreserved amniotic membrane can prevent further corneal damage
  14. Financial modeling can help orthopedic surgeons evaluate first job opportunities
  15. Flexible stent receives FDA approval for iliofemoral venous occlusive disease
  16. HCV, HBV viral control improves kidney transplant survival rates
  17. Healthier lifestyle reduces pregnancy-related complications in PCOS
  18. Heart health awareness not strong in young women
  19. Hormone levels may predict PCOS in premenarchal girls
  20. Hospital cleaning bundle reduces VRE infections by 37%
  21. Individual signs, symptoms demonstrate limited accuracy in diagnosing acute rhinosinusitis
  22. Individualized lifestyle intervention may reduce type 2 diabetes risk in HIV
  23. Intensive treatment within the first year prevents early Crohn’s progression
  24. iStent reduced IOP and medications through 5 years
  25. Knee pain not linked to daily walking levels in mild, moderate OA
  26. Marshall University joins AURORA study for late-stage NASH treatment
  27. Meniscal repair with concomitant ACL reconstruction yielded high success rate in pediatric patients
  28. Micro-invasive ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release provides excellent outcomes
  29. MitraClip now indicated in COAPT population
  30. More teens, young adults report mental health issues vs. 10 years ago
  31. More than 280,000 kids treated for TBIs in EDs every year
  32. NCI scientist to receive Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research
  33. Ocular geneticists find high rate of misdiagnosis of Stargardt disease
  34. One approach does not fit all in ACL reconstruction
  35. Outpatient shoulder surgery at hospital-based departments linked with more unplanned readmissions vs ASC setting
  36. Panelists choose both branded, compounded agents for cataract surgery patients
  37. Patient satisfaction needs a team approach
  38. Patients with tibial plafond fractures had greater inflammatory response vs rotational ankle fractures
  39. Persistent sore throat combined with other symptoms may indicate laryngeal cancer
  40. Prevent Blindness names March workplace eye wellness month
  41. Prophylactic cranial radiation use in small cell lung cancer declines sharply after trial
  42. Reduced eGFR may be associated with increased cancer risk
  43. Routine visit leads to asymptomatic diagnosis
  44. Saving taxes with the lost home office deduction
  45. Severity of Zika outbreak explains microcephaly rate in northeast Brazil
  46. Sex differences in glioblastoma could lead to tailored treatments, improved outcomes
  47. Smartphone-based weight loss program comparable to gold standard
  48. Speaker guides surgeons through ‘mid-career blues’
  49. Stryker acquires OrthoSpace
  50. Take an active approach to fall prevention
  51. Top stories in oncology: Cryoablation may be effective breast cancer treatment option, mammography remains beneficial to older women
  52. Tramadol linked to higher mortality rates in older patients with OA
  53. Venetoclax, obinutuzumab regimen appears safe, effective for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  54. VIDEO: How to handle a capsulorrhexis complication
  55. VIDEO: Orthopedic surgeons may be able to prescribe fewer opioid pills than they think is necessary
  56. VIDEO: Polyethylene wear is not a function of time
  57. VIDEO: Presenter discusses ways biologics may be incorporated into sports medicine
  58. VIDEO: Presenters discuss upcoming drug trial of treatment for PJI with local antibiotic irrigation
  59. Vision screening for all kids, exams for those in need
  60. What ACL graft is best for older active patients who are uncomfortable with receiving allograft tissue?
  61. WHO chief laments violence in DRC as Ebola cases near 1,000
  62. World Kidney Day 2019: Kidney health for everyone everywhere
  63. Yearly net income, revenues increase at Harrow Health