February 01, 2019 Articles
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- AGA to honor winners of annual Recognition Awards
- Allergan reports net loss for 2018
- Annual Dialysis Conference offers insights into new dialysis therapies
- Antithrombotic therapy continues to evolve for patients with PAD
- ASCO publishes new standards for safe handling of hazardous drugs
- BLOG: What I wish my doctors knew
- Buprenorphine optimal treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome
- CMS must go beyond new technology to improve kidney care
- Common insect repellents mask human odors from malaria mosquitoes
- Continued focus, greater education may increase awareness of women’s heart health
- Decision aid does not alter surrogate choices for patients with mechanical ventilation
- Docetaxel with ADT fails to improve PSA-PFS in high-risk prostate cancer
- Endocrinologists more likely to prescribe brand-name thyroid hormone drugs
- Greater fruit, vegetable intake associated with lower risk of mortality for patients on hemodialysis
- imaware to match $10K in donations for Rheumatoid Awareness Day
- Importance of discussing all options early as part of advance care planning for patients with CKD
- Intensified insulin therapy education slows retinopathy development in type 1 diabetes
- It may be time to scrutinize dialysis staffing data
- Ketoprofen 'a huge step forward' for treatment of lymphedema symptoms
- Kidney transplant options for African Americans may increase with new kidney allocation system
- Many cases in DRC Ebola outbreak coming from health centers
- Men with quality patient-doctor relationships more likely to seek treatment for depression
- National Wear Red Day aims to increase awareness of women’s heart health
- Nearly 80% of children began toothbrushing later than recommended
- One-stage exchange may yield better outcomes vs two-stage exchange in TJA
- Opioid crisis expected to worsen by 2025
- Patients frequently readmitted to hospital often have psychiatric diagnosis
- PD for AKI: A promising intervention successfully implemented in low-resource countries
- Prescription stimulant misuse, abuse prevalent among adults with ADHD
- Recent updates on heart disease in women for Wear Red Day
- Second Genome doses first patient in trial for NASH inflammation therapy
- Shared type 2 diabetes care noninferior to usual care for HbA1c outcomes
- Spark initiative raises awareness of genetic testing for retinal disease
- Starting aripiprazole may not increase risk for psychiatric treatment failure
- Statin therapy reduces CV risks across age groups, including elderly
- Statin therapy reduces CV risks across age groups, including elderly
- T2 Biosystems reports to PACCARB on key role of culture-independent diagnostics
- Telehealth and home dialysis: Opportunities to improve patient care
- Thyrotropin suppression may not improve survival in certain differentiated thyroid cancers
- Top 5 IBD stories you may have missed in January
- Top stories in gastroenterology: The American Gastroenterological Association issues updated guidance on pregnant women with IBD, patients with ulcerative colitis
- Two or more corticosteroid injections prior to rotator cuff repair may increase revision surgery risk
- VIDEO: iTrace helps identify optical issues with cornea before, after cataract surgery
- VIDEO: Satisfaction ratings of monovision ‘extremely high’
- VIDEO: Visual acuity unchanged after macular hole closure in patients with wet AMD
- Vitamin D trajectory associated with body composition measures in men, women
- Voclosporin ophthalmic solution yields positive results for dry eye
- Warfarin test strip recall declared Class I by FDA
- What to look forward to at Retina World Congress
- Youth e-cigarette use foreshadows combustible cigarette use