February 01, 2019
1 min read

National Wear Red Day aims to increase awareness of women’s heart health

On Friday, Feb. 1, employees at SLACK Incorporated, publisher of Cardiology Today, Cardiology Today’s Intervention and Healio, wore red in support of the American Heart Association’s National Wear Red Day campaign to increase awareness of heart disease in women.

This year marks the 16th anniversary of the National Wear Red Day campaign. It is held on the first Friday in February each year.

According to the AHA, CVD is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. Many women remain unaware of their risk for CVD. Only 55% of women recognize that CVD is the No. 1 cause of death among women and fewer than half of women are unaware of the healthy levels for CV risk factors such as BP and cholesterol, according to statistics from the campaign.

On Friday, Feb. 1, employees at SLACK Incorporated, publisher of Cardiology Today, Cardiology Today’s Intervention and Healio, wore red in support of the American Heart Association’s National Wear Red Day campaign to increase awareness of heart disease in women.
Photo by Christine Seabo

About 80% of cardiac events can be prevented through education and lifestyle changes. The Go Red for Women campaign encourages women to take such preventive measures.

For more information:

Go Red for Women. www.goredforwomen.org.