
January 22, 2019 Articles

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  1. #BeASteward: IDSA develops antimicrobial stewardship curriculum for ID fellows
  2. ‘Smart software’ for surgical planning saves staff time, is flexible, intuitive
  3. 23andMe receives FDA clearance for hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome genetic test
  4. ADA, others provide important takeaways from 2019 diabetes guidelines
  5. Age at diagnosis predicts survival in breast cancer subtype
  6. Albireo receives FDA orphan drug designation for biliary atresia therapy
  7. American Hospital Association report shows Medicare, Medicaid underpaid hospitals in 2017
  8. Aspirin increases risk for major bleeding, decreases CV risk in those without CVD
  9. Association of American Cancer Institutes launches initiative to advance CAR T-cell therapies
  10. B vitamins may benefit some patients with first-episode psychosis
  11. BLOG: Cataract surgery trends to look for in 2019
  12. Burnout, Not Otherwise Specified: Defining, Addressing Rheumatologist Burnout
  13. Cannabis could be used to treat chronic pancreatitis pain
  14. Ebola outbreak in DRC ‘not even close’ to being controlled
  15. Experts declare physician burnout ‘a public health crisis’
  16. Extreme insulin resistance influences thyroid nodule growth in children
  17. Gene therapies in development for monogenic, complex retinal diseases
  18. Good health literacy improves antihypertensive adherence in Hispanics
  19. Heberden's nodes linked to incidence, progression of knee OA
  20. Hooked on ID with Paul A. Volberding, MD
  21. If you think your practice has never been embezzled, you just haven’t found out yet
  22. Keep vitreous traction to an absolute minimum in anterior vitrectomy
  23. Lassa fever: How it all started
  24. Late dinnertime does not affect HbA1c
  25. Link found between body size, physical activity, sex, life expectancy
  26. Liver cancer recurrence rates similar regardless of DAA experience
  27. Liver transplantations for alcohol-associated liver disease increase
  28. Low sugar diet for pediatric NAFLD improves hepatic steatosis
  29. Loyola to offer two-year kidney, liver transplant fellowship
  30. Monovision still an effective alternative to presbyopia-correcting IOLs
  31. More patient-centered options needed for individuals with chronic kidney disease
  32. New add-on code in effect for precision pulse capsulotomy
  33. Not all 3GCs are created equal: Oral antibiotic selection in pediatric pneumococcal infections
  34. Novel anti-VEGF for wet AMD meets safety, tolerability endpoint
  35. Oral step-down therapy comparable to IV therapy for bloodstream infections
  36. Paclitaxel-coated balloon not tied to mortality in patient-level analysis
  37. Preop preparation leads to EDOF IOL success
  38. Q&A: Fecal transplant appears effective for immunotherapy-induced colitis
  39. Rheumatology and Burnout: Causes, Concerns and Hope
  40. Rotavirus vaccination protects against type 1 diabetes in kids
  41. Several strategies can help manage tearing patients
  42. Should new antibiotics be taken out of the hospital DRG system?
  43. Study finds nearly 25% of antibiotics are unnecessarily prescribed
  44. The ‘broken’ antimicrobial market: A ‘looming cloud’ over medicine
  45. The Cost-Shift Conundrum of Copay Accumulator Programs
  46. Top stories in infectious disease: FDA approves use of Adacel for repeat vaccination, dolutegravir monotherapy not “valid” treatment option
  47. Trampoline parks linked with more trauma vs home trampolines
  48. Transitions to upgrade its Signature lenses
  49. Trial of intravascular lithotripsy in coronary arteries commences
  50. Tumor characteristics predict skin cancer aggressiveness among organ transplant recipients
  51. Two recent approvals reduce patient ‘drop burden’ after cataract surgery
  52. Untreated hyperthyroidism increases CVD risk
  53. VIDEO: Holladay shares 7 points to deliver promise of no glasses after cataract surgery
  54. VIDEO: Know the differences between manual and femto arcuate incisions
  55. VIDEO: Pearls for mastering Yamane double-needle technique
  56. VIDEO: Speaker applauds Anthony A. Romeo, MD, on presentation on orthopedic surgeons’ work-life balance
  57. VIDEO: Study shows cyclosporine emulsion improves dry eye signs, symptoms
  58. Viral pathogen presence changes during course of acute sinusitis symptoms
  59. WHO: Refugees, migrants pose low infectious disease risk