September 17, 2017 Articles
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- AAP president renews call to advocate for victims of gun violence
- Blood clot risk increases early after hemorrhagic fever onset
- CRF announces late-breaking clinical trials for upcoming TCT meeting
- Despite increase in correct car seat position, booster seat use declined
- Five glaucoma headlines you might have missed
- Lack of golf cart guidelines pose serious injury risk to children
- Mydayis improves ADHD, functioning in adults
- Seven things to know before utilizing telepsychiatry in your practice
- Use of autologous bone grafts during TKA yielded ‘excellent’ long-term results
- Using music to break barriers in homelessness, mental health
- VIDEO: Smart journaling platform improves mental health patient engagement
- VIDEO: Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, nivolumab trial warrants further investigation
- WHO drafts global exercise action plan