
August 09, 2017 Articles

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  1. B. cepacia infections prompt FDA warning on liquid products
  2. 2 decades of molecular cardiology and genetics
  3. 5 recent advancements in DCB therapy
  4. 8-year-old female presents with persistent fever, transient rash, erythematous oropharynx
  5. A 13-year-old boy with a worsening neck, arm rash
  6. A 17-year-old athlete with recurrent ankle sprains
  7. ACR releases its 2017 guidelines for treating patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
  8. After RYGB, BMD decreases tied to bone marrow fat increases in women
  9. Aging spine poses challenges for acetabular cup positioning
  10. Alaskan vaccination program nearly eliminates Hepatitis A
  11. Alcohol abuse up significantly: ‘public health crisis’ among women, other groups
  12. Awareness of women’s CV health, CVD risk low among patients, physicians
  13. Better symptom management may prevent most emergency department visits for patients with cancer
  14. BLOG: Fixing the Affordable Care Act
  15. CMS proposal represents critical initiative to provide best care possible
  16. Combating neonatal abstinence syndrome amid opioid crisis
  17. CV complications of pregnancy: A call for greater awareness
  18. Denosumab should not be stopped without considering alternative osteoporosis treatment
  19. Empirical antibiotics do not reduce mortality in patients with CAUTI
  20. Encephalitis outbreak in Bangladesh linked to pesticide use in orchards
  21. FDA clears Optovue’s epi-mapping software
  22. FDA grants orphan drug designation to SurVaxM for glioblastoma
  23. FDA grants orphan status to Mytesi for short bowel syndrome
  24. Gauging the impact of obesity in renal disease
  25. Germline mutations found in sporadic pancreatic cancer
  26. Group choir, creative writing improves mental health
  27. History of PCOS in gestational diabetes tied to incident diabetes
  28. How extensively should physicians screen for opioid exposure among pregnant women?
  29. Humanizing adequacy based on the KDOQI guidelines
  30. Hyperscanning identifies neural differences in borderline personality disorder
  31. In patients with concurrent hip and spine pathology, does it matter which condition is corrected first?
  32. K2M announces acquisition of exclusive license to patent portfolio of expandable spine implants
  33. KEYNOTE-052 confirms response with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced urothelial cancer
  34. L. Kristin Newby, MD, MHS, ponders path from lab to clinic
  35. Lenalidomide extends myeloma survival after stem cell transplantation
  36. Lower socioeconomic status may lead to thicker artery walls in children
  37. Luminate meets primary endpoint in phase 2b trial for DME
  38. Malaria may have been endemic in the Mediterranean since the Roman period
  39. Marijuana use triples risk for hypertensive death
  40. Monogenic, polygenic risk for CVD may be lowered by lifestyle changes, statin therapy
  41. 'Normal' bowel habits differ between men, women
  42. Novel managed care model reduces underpayments in socially vulnerable populations
  43. Novel transcatheter device shows promise for severe tricuspid regurgitation
  44. Ocugen’s treatment for ocular graft-versus-host disease gets orphan drug designation
  45. One-third with type 2 diabetes reports sexual dissatisfaction
  46. Partial Medicaid expansions under ACA pose ‘big consequences’
  47. Patient-specific pharmacotherapy plan may reduce HF hospitalizations
  48. Pediatric asthma over 3 decades: The plateau beyond the epidemic
  49. Perineural invasion increased recurrence risk in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
  50. Pie-crusting technique seen as effective for releasing MCL during meniscectomy
  51. Q&A: Nieca Goldberg, MD, discusses strategies to encourage CV awareness
  52. Screening improves nasopharyngeal carcinoma detection, survival
  53. SONG-HD Initiative shows disparity between patients and medical professionals on desired outcomes
  54. Study findings might lead to blood test for renal cell carcinoma
  55. Study: Patients undergoing adalimumab therapy can monitor drug levels with finger prick
  56. Study: Treatment with enzyme from bacteria reduces antibodies in kidney transplant recipients
  57. Surgeon’s role in the revenue cycle: A blueprint for young surgeons
  58. Top five stories with perspectives
  59. Transitions offers doctor, patient information on solar eclipse
  60. Transplant recipients comprise substantial portion of non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases
  61. Trial Scorecard: ACIST-FFR
  62. Trial Scorecard: AEIOU
  63. Trial Scorecard: AKI-MATRIX
  64. Trial Scorecard: AUGMENT-HF
  65. Trial Scorecard: CVD-REAL
  66. Trial Scorecard: DEVOTE
  67. Trial Scorecard: PESA
  68. Trial Scorecard: TREAT-AF
  69. Use of nitroprusside, isoproterenol declined after price spike
  70. Vaccine program in Alaskan Natives eliminates acute HBV, early HCC
  71. VIDEO: 92% of NFL players returned to play after arthroscopy for FAI
  72. Water, fresh juice consumption may reduce type 2 diabetes risk
  73. Women may be experiencing strokes more often than men
  74. Work interference, opioid use for pain among top reasons cited by patients for delaying TKA