
December 08, 2017 Articles

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  1. A 16-year-old hockey player with posterior shoulder pain, scapular winging
  2. All-cause, CV mortality similar with intensive vs. standard BP lowering in diabetes
  3. Allergan confident in safety of Esmya despite liver injury reports in Europe
  4. Almonds, dark chocolate reduce CHD risk in adults with overweight, obesity
  5. Arthroscopic repair of posterior bony Bankart lesion addresses glenoid, capsulolabral pathology
  6. Biologic use linked to fewer flares, higher rates of inactive disease in childhood Takayasu arthritis
  7. BLOG: Hypersonic vitrectomy a newcomer in posterior segment surgery
  8. Blood metal ion levels remained stable 5 years after MoM THA
  9. Cardiac dysfunction may predict mortality in type 2 diabetes, acute coronary syndrome
  10. Carl Zeiss Meditec reports 9.3% increase in revenue for year
  11. Cataract surgery can be ‘greener’
  12. Connecticut river systems associated with higher incidence of legionellosis
  13. Diet in IBD: An important component to stabilize the microbiome
  14. Diphtheria spreading among Rohingya refugees
  15. Discuss RSA surgery for severe rotator cuff deficiency with younger patients
  16. DNA sequencing may help detect kidney disease early
  17. Elevated BPA levels found in women with PCOS
  18. Exemestane continues to improve DFS, not OS, for early breast cancer
  19. Exemestane plus enzalutamide extends PFS in some women with breast cancer
  20. Few providers discuss glaucoma drug costs with patients
  21. Fibromyalgia linked to worsening status in RA patients
  22. Five operational challenges that may be slowing you down
  23. Fujifilm, Fight Colorectal Cancer partner to support ‘One Million Strong’
  24. Genetic regions identified that may relate to male sexual orientation
  25. H3N2, known to evade vaccine, is predominant flu strain in US
  26. Infection risk after hip arthroscopy affected by timing of intra-articular hip injection
  27. It is time to revisit viscosupplementation guidelines
  28. Liver cancer incidence after HCV therapy linked to risk factors, not treatment
  29. Low skeletal muscle mass increases risk for liver waitlist mortality
  30. Lymph node surgery increases arm morbidity in younger women with breast cancer
  31. Minority health panel encourages cultural competence in eye care
  32. News that CMS removed TKA from inpatient-only list comes at start of AAHKS meeting
  33. Novel dual mTOR inhibitor fails to extend PFS for ER-positive breast cancer
  34. Oral anticoagulants prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation
  35. Painful knee OA continues to present treatment challenges
  36. Pioglitazone, SGLT2 inhibitors equally effective for reducing HbA1c
  37. Plant-based diet yields positive effect on HF risk
  38. PREMIUM: PFO closure fails to reduce migraine attacks, adverse events
  39. Pre-pregnancy BMI linked to maternal morbidity, mortality
  40. Regeneron sees $388 million third quarter income
  41. Researchers quantify presence of immunotherapy biomarkers in breast cancer
  42. Researchers track spread of MRSA in England
  43. Short-term adjuvant therapy fails to improve DFS in HER-2-positive breast cancer
  44. Similar improvements in patient outcome measures found with ankle arthrodesis, replacement
  45. Timely care, knowledge needed to prevent tickborne illnesses
  46. Two tests can help diagnose fibromyalgia in patients with chronic pain
  47. VIDEO: ‘Binge-watching’ boosts risk for deep vein thrombosis
  48. What noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures, excluding injections, are effective in patients with low-grade knee OA?