
August 25, 2015 Articles

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  1. Abbott launches new cylinder powers for Tecnis toric IOL
  2. Acute kidney injury, electrolyte abnormalities common among Ebola cases
  3. Adding CRT to ICD therapy for mild HF can be cost-effective
  4. AirXpanders trial meets primary endpoint for breast reconstruction
  5. Amgen submits application with FDA for new secondary hyperparathyroidism drug
  6. ASDS: Cost a top factor in delaying possible cosmetic procedures
  7. Back to the future: Chemotherapy dosing in overweight and obese patients with cancer
  8. Bedbug resurgence, avoidance and treatment discussed at AAD meeting
  9. BLOG: My three surprises as a new user of intraoperative aberrometry
  10. Central corneal thickness associated with visual field progression
  11. Data insufficient for recommending anti-TNF discontinuation in IBD remission
  12. Diagnostic criteria identifies patients with asthma-COPD overlap syndrome
  13. Education, encouragement for evidence-based diabetes prevention programs increases adoption by local health departments
  14. Epinephrine delay worsens survival odds of children with in-hospital, nonshockable cardiac arrest
  15. FDA grants orphan drug designation to Gilotrif for advanced squamous cell lung carcinoma
  16. FDA grants orphan drug designation to MTG-201 for malignant mesothelioma
  17. Fertility concerns may cause women to forgo, cease endocrine therapy
  18. Final safety results from 11-year global clinical trial of Rituxan with patients with RA released
  19. Genentech begins phase 3 trial of Rituxan for pemphigus vulgaris
  20. Glaukos reports $31.9 million net loss in second quarter
  21. Hand, finger lipomodeling restores volume, reduces skin laxity with lasting results
  22. High iron intake might increase appetite, diabetes risk
  23. Immunotherapy ‘revolutionary’ for lung cancer, but questions remain about cost, biomarkers
  24. Interim DeCOG results provide reassurance for patients who delay CLND after positive sentinel node
  25. Lower extremity strength predicts future functional status of women with SLE
  26. LT recipient characteristics predict worse outcomes after transplant
  27. Microbiome composition associated with efficacy of low FODMAP diet in pediatric IBS
  28. MRI can provide accurate detection of tendinous insertion of pectoralis minor
  29. New guidelines aim to reduce vaccine injection pain
  30. Nonselective beta-blockers may improve survival for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer
  31. Older patients may have more in-hospital mortality after traumatic spinal cord injuries
  32. One-dose cholera vaccine may be more effective during epidemic
  33. Oropharyngeal microbiome differs between healthy individuals, those with schizophrenia
  34. Periostin levels higher in postmenopausal women with osteoporotic fracture
  35. Plasma liraglutide concentrations increase in end-stage renal disease
  36. Pre-pubertal, mid-pubertal children more sensitive to evening light exposure
  37. Prophylactic Invanz use linked with increased risk for C. difficile
  38. Quitting smoking before, after acute MI improved angina risk, quality of life
  39. Radial endobronchial ultrasound effectively identifies peripheral lung lesions
  40. Rebamipide ophthalmic suspension may treat dry eye after refractive surgery
  41. Research reveals fine line between ‘one more try’ and ‘a bridge too far’
  42. Researchers identify significant SSI risk in patients with diabetes
  43. Self-expanding stent with embolic protection strategy performs well in atherosclerotic vertebral artery ostial stenosis
  44. SQ HDM SLIT-tablet safe, effective in adults with HDM-induced allergic rhinitis
  45. SSI, transient elastography useful for detecting fibrosis in obese patients with liver disease
  46. Strong neighbor relationships may decrease risk for PTSD following natural disasters
  47. Study finds NHS staff lack necessary training to identify, treat human trafficking victims
  48. Study links high sugar consumption with depression risk in postmenopausal women
  49. Summer 'thoughtlets' on dry eye and other topics
  50. Survey results show online consumers report better lens care
  51. Tasigna showed tolerability, mRSS improvement in pilot study of patients with SSc
  52. TAVR, AVR yield similar health improvements in high-risk patients
  53. Teens of military parents more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors
  54. Tess Gerritsen: This Doctor's Best Work Is on Paper
  55. VIDEO: Nawabi on outcomes of hip arthroscopy for patients with symptomatic borderline dysplasia
  56. When worlds collide: Chemotherapy near the end of life
  57. Xtant Medical announces FDA approval of DBM putty
  58. Young adults consider hookah, e-cigarettes safer than cigarettes
  59. Zoledronate does not prevent femoral head collapse in patients with osteonecrosis