
March 12, 2015 Articles

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  1. Res Ipsa revisited
  2. 17-month-old febrile male with onset of rash, vomiting: Value of the ‘48-hour rule-out’
  3. 80% adherence to colorectal cancer screening could prevent 200,000 deaths by 2030
  4. A 10-year-old girl with intermittent left hip pain
  5. Acoustic wave therapy effective for saddlebag treatment but results not statistically significant
  6. AJRR releases first public report on arthroplasty data
  7. All-inside method provides for reproducible and efficient PCL reconstruction
  8. AMA, CDC Prevent Diabetes STAT joint initiative calls for action to prevent prediabetes progression
  9. Apixaban does not increase bleeding in patients with renal insufficiencies
  10. ASAPS releases expanded 2014 data for Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank
  11. Best-practice pathway for hip fractures reduced mortality rates in elderly patients
  12. Beta-cell proliferation seen with harmine compound from plant used in traditional medicine
  13. Better AAOS outcomes found with TAR, arthroscopic ankle fusion vs. open fusion
  14. BLOG: Thoughts on LipiFlow
  15. CA-IX predicts poor survival in resectable hepatocellular carcinoma
  16. ChoiceSpine announces hire of new executives
  17. Cold related deaths found more prominent in rural West
  18. COPD impairs quadriceps endurance
  19. Cornea specialist outlines ideal candidate for cross-linking
  20. DermSpectra integrates Nikon camera into digital skin-imaging system
  21. Ebola outbreak leaves West Africa more susceptible to measles
  22. ESKAPE continues to escape
  23. Estrogen receptor polymorphism linked to OA in European patients
  24. Experts offer suggestions to tell patients to reduce MRSA risk
  25. FDA releases approval guidelines for reusable medical devices
  26. Few children with low intake receive micronutrient supplements
  27. FMT induces remission in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease
  28. Gene therapy could offer relief from painful diabetic neuropathy symptoms
  29. Germline TP53 mutations detected in patients with early-onset colorectal cancer
  30. Global rise in dengue warrants improved prevention, control methods
  31. GrayBug raises $1.74 million in Series A2 financing
  32. Heritage Provider Network, Fresenius to develop physician network, collaborate on care coordination
  33. HF patients with functional disability at higher risk for hospitalization, early death
  34. Higher incidence of Acanthamoeba keratitis persists more than 10 years after outbreak
  35. Ibrutinib discontinuation linked to poor prognosis in CLL
  36. ID consultation improves outcomes in patients with S. aureus bacteremia
  37. Inappropriate breast, prostate cancer imaging linked to regional, culture infrastructure
  38. Inguinal adenopathy with rash in a 6-year-old febrile female
  39. Innovation is important, but also imparts new level of risk, potential complications
  40. 'Kidney health for all' theme of World Kidney Day
  41. Lack of midlife exercise linked to poor brain function in late life
  42. Majority of dermatologic surgeons inquire about cosmetic patients' mental health issues
  43. New antimicrobials: What took so long?
  44. NIH awards $1.2 million grant for rapid HCV test
  45. Ocular Therapeutix reports positive results from phase 3a trial of OTX-DP
  46. Online age-verification fails to prevent minors from purchasing e-cigarettes
  47. Optometrists should include rehabilitation in glaucoma care
  48. OT Hawaii speaker gives update on current use of PRP and stem cells
  49. Panel discusses elbow UCL injury in throwing athletes
  50. Patients with anorexia nervosa, body dysmorphic disorder share visual cortex abnormalities
  51. Patients with in situ melanoma at higher risk for subsequent melanoma after 2 years
  52. Pediatrics: Generations and the state of our union
  53. Plain radiographs can reliably classify features of osteochondritis dissecans in the knee
  54. Plant-based diet lowers risk for CVD mortality
  55. Pre-frailty raises risk for CVD in older adults
  56. Presence of unexpected uterine sarcoma during myomectomy increases with age
  57. Proper patient selection key to simultaneous bilateral total joint arthroplasty
  58. Qsource, Network Strategies & Innovations Inc. merge
  59. Reducing worry with CBT improves persecutory delusions
  60. Risk should be considered in children of parents with bipolar disorder
  61. Risks for diabetes, neurobehavioral abnormalities rise in children after surgery for hyperinsulinism
  62. Salix received unsolicited proposal from Endo
  63. Serum progranulin associated with dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease and disease activity
  64. Smoking during pregnancy increases asthma risk in school-age children
  65. Statins do not reduce pneumonia risk; studies reflect 'healthy-user' bias
  66. Stryker announces new $2 billion share repurchase program
  67. Study: Meniscectomy is safe for carefully selected older patients
  68. Survey: Patients have favorable view of orthopedic surgeon, industry relationships
  69. Survivin may be helpful biomarker in patients with RA, certain alleles
  70. Targeting the HCV Genome: A Four-Drug Fixed-Dose Regimen
  71. The Ebola epidemic: No effective therapy without proper diagnosis
  72. The impending burden of kidney disease
  73. Use common, bleeding reduced with cath lab-only eptifibatide regimen
  74. Use of ceramic head in total hip revision decreased symptoms of ALTR
  75. Valcyte improved hearing, neurodevelopmental outcomes among neonates with symptomatic CMV
  76. Women with OA had more accurate TKA outcome expectations, greater decision readiness
  77. Yingze Zhang, MD, speaks about orthopedic care in China, fibulectomy technique