March 12, 2015 Articles
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- Res Ipsa revisited
- 17-month-old febrile male with onset of rash, vomiting: Value of the ‘48-hour rule-out’
- 80% adherence to colorectal cancer screening could prevent 200,000 deaths by 2030
- A 10-year-old girl with intermittent left hip pain
- Acoustic wave therapy effective for saddlebag treatment but results not statistically significant
- AJRR releases first public report on arthroplasty data
- All-inside method provides for reproducible and efficient PCL reconstruction
- AMA, CDC Prevent Diabetes STAT joint initiative calls for action to prevent prediabetes progression
- Apixaban does not increase bleeding in patients with renal insufficiencies
- ASAPS releases expanded 2014 data for Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank
- Best-practice pathway for hip fractures reduced mortality rates in elderly patients
- Beta-cell proliferation seen with harmine compound from plant used in traditional medicine
- Better AAOS outcomes found with TAR, arthroscopic ankle fusion vs. open fusion
- BLOG: Thoughts on LipiFlow
- CA-IX predicts poor survival in resectable hepatocellular carcinoma
- ChoiceSpine announces hire of new executives
- Cold related deaths found more prominent in rural West
- COPD impairs quadriceps endurance
- Cornea specialist outlines ideal candidate for cross-linking
- DermSpectra integrates Nikon camera into digital skin-imaging system
- Ebola outbreak leaves West Africa more susceptible to measles
- ESKAPE continues to escape
- Estrogen receptor polymorphism linked to OA in European patients
- Experts offer suggestions to tell patients to reduce MRSA risk
- FDA releases approval guidelines for reusable medical devices
- Few children with low intake receive micronutrient supplements
- FMT induces remission in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease
- Gene therapy could offer relief from painful diabetic neuropathy symptoms
- Germline TP53 mutations detected in patients with early-onset colorectal cancer
- Global rise in dengue warrants improved prevention, control methods
- GrayBug raises $1.74 million in Series A2 financing
- Heritage Provider Network, Fresenius to develop physician network, collaborate on care coordination
- HF patients with functional disability at higher risk for hospitalization, early death
- Higher incidence of Acanthamoeba keratitis persists more than 10 years after outbreak
- Ibrutinib discontinuation linked to poor prognosis in CLL
- ID consultation improves outcomes in patients with S. aureus bacteremia
- Inappropriate breast, prostate cancer imaging linked to regional, culture infrastructure
- Inguinal adenopathy with rash in a 6-year-old febrile female
- Innovation is important, but also imparts new level of risk, potential complications
- 'Kidney health for all' theme of World Kidney Day
- Lack of midlife exercise linked to poor brain function in late life
- Majority of dermatologic surgeons inquire about cosmetic patients' mental health issues
- New antimicrobials: What took so long?
- NIH awards $1.2 million grant for rapid HCV test
- Ocular Therapeutix reports positive results from phase 3a trial of OTX-DP
- Online age-verification fails to prevent minors from purchasing e-cigarettes
- Optometrists should include rehabilitation in glaucoma care
- OT Hawaii speaker gives update on current use of PRP and stem cells
- Panel discusses elbow UCL injury in throwing athletes
- Patients with anorexia nervosa, body dysmorphic disorder share visual cortex abnormalities
- Patients with in situ melanoma at higher risk for subsequent melanoma after 2 years
- Pediatrics: Generations and the state of our union
- Plain radiographs can reliably classify features of osteochondritis dissecans in the knee
- Plant-based diet lowers risk for CVD mortality
- Pre-frailty raises risk for CVD in older adults
- Presence of unexpected uterine sarcoma during myomectomy increases with age
- Proper patient selection key to simultaneous bilateral total joint arthroplasty
- Qsource, Network Strategies & Innovations Inc. merge
- Reducing worry with CBT improves persecutory delusions
- Risk should be considered in children of parents with bipolar disorder
- Risks for diabetes, neurobehavioral abnormalities rise in children after surgery for hyperinsulinism
- Salix received unsolicited proposal from Endo
- Serum progranulin associated with dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease and disease activity
- Smoking during pregnancy increases asthma risk in school-age children
- Statins do not reduce pneumonia risk; studies reflect 'healthy-user' bias
- Stryker announces new $2 billion share repurchase program
- Study: Meniscectomy is safe for carefully selected older patients
- Survey: Patients have favorable view of orthopedic surgeon, industry relationships
- Survivin may be helpful biomarker in patients with RA, certain alleles
- Targeting the HCV Genome: A Four-Drug Fixed-Dose Regimen
- The Ebola epidemic: No effective therapy without proper diagnosis
- The impending burden of kidney disease
- Use common, bleeding reduced with cath lab-only eptifibatide regimen
- Use of ceramic head in total hip revision decreased symptoms of ALTR
- Valcyte improved hearing, neurodevelopmental outcomes among neonates with symptomatic CMV
- Women with OA had more accurate TKA outcome expectations, greater decision readiness
- Yingze Zhang, MD, speaks about orthopedic care in China, fibulectomy technique