
November 23, 2015 Articles

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  1. Anaphylaxis rare after vaccinations
  2. Anti-alcoholism drug reactivates latent HIV-1 infection
  3. Arthroscopy may not accurately estimate glenoid bone loss in patients with shoulder instability
  4. BIOSOLVE-II: Novel magnesium alloy scaffold shows promise in treating CAD
  5. BLOG: The fundamental problem with health insurance exchange programs
  6. Childhood thyroid function may be determined by maternal TSH, free T4 during pregnancy
  7. Dabigatran approved for DVT, PE prophylaxis after hip replacement surgery
  8. Elimination of vaccine exemptions serves children's best interests
  9. Empowering nurses to remove urinary catheters results in use decrease, less CAUTIs
  10. ENGAGE registry: AAA stent graft system linked to positive outcomes at 4 years
  11. Esophageal cancer surgery earlier in the week results in better prognosis
  12. Experts reach consensus on nutrition recommendations at nonprofit summit
  13. FDA approves Opdivo for advanced renal cell carcinoma
  14. Flu vaccine may protect against pneumonia
  15. Geriatric patients with ankle fracture show lower 1-year morbidity vs peers with other diagnoses
  16. Intravitreal sirolimus resolves vitreous haze in SAKURA study 1
  17. Majority of adults with severe mental illness not screened for diabetes
  18. Maternal diabetes affects age of diabetes diagnosis, glycemic control in offspring
  19. NIH awards grants for microbiome-targeted drugs
  20. No link found between poor results from anterior cervical procedures and preoperative opioid strength
  21. Novel HF therapy associated with reduction in 30-day rehospitalizations
  22. OCT improves diagnosis, monitoring of neuro-ophthalmic diseases
  23. Ofatumumab maintenance extends PFS, time to next treatment in relapsed CLL
  24. Pfizer, Allergan to combine in $160 billion deal
  25. Predictive value of 3-month outcome data following lumbar discectomy found similar to 1-year outcomes
  26. Q-switched 660-nm Nd:YAG laser effectively reduced melanin levels in facial lentigines
  27. RNFL thickness preferred for monitoring change in glaucoma
  28. SAMHSA appoints new acting principal deputy administrator
  29. Secukinumab receives EU approval for treatment of psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
  30. Simulation: Universal prison-based screening reduces HCV transmission
  31. Single-dose Makena not approved by FDA
  32. Speaker presents keys to avoid complications with femtosecond laser cataract surgery
  33. Stimulants worsen sleep outcomes among youth with ADHD
  34. Studies on psychosocial effects after GH treatment for short stature exhibit bias
  35. Study identifies useful markers of brain excitability that could track medication effect
  36. Study reveals most accurate technique to determine center of femoral head in dysplastic hips
  37. Targeted intervention program increases colorectal cancer screening in NYC
  38. T-cell therapy leads to complete response in patient with refractory multiple myeloma
  39. Top Takeaways from ASCO: Childhood Cancer Survivor Study and smoking interventions
  40. Vaccination eases influenza’s impact on work productivity
  41. VIDEO: Tonix CEO discusses sublingual treatment for patients with fibromyalgia
  42. Vitamin E, TZDs, OCA help patients with NASH
  43. Week's top dermatology reads include face transplant, Otezla for nail, scalp psoriasis
  44. Wheelchair users at increased risk of death from road traffic collisions
  45. Young women who survive MI, stroke at elevated long-term risk for death, CV events