
August 25, 2014 Articles

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  1. DSM-5 PTSD screening may miss previously diagnosed soldiers
  2. AANP urges VA to give nurse practitioners full practice authority
  3. AAP: Communication key when preparing children, families for anesthesia
  4. Adolescent strength appears tied to body weight
  5. AHA releases policy statement on e-cigarettes
  6. Allergan receives written requests for special stockholder meeting
  7. Ampio to request FDA for unmasked trial of DME treatment
  8. Aspirin reduced risk for recurrent VTE
  9. Barrett’s esophagus associated with increased risk for colon polyps
  10. Birth weight could factor into high diabetes rates in black population
  11. Calcium buildup in coronary arteries predicts heart disease risk in patients with chronic kidney disease
  12. CMS returns one-third of Open Payments data due to errors
  13. Covidien acquires vascular device company Reverse Medical Corporation
  14. David Klassen, MD, named UNOS chief medical officer
  15. DNA test shows potential for improving management of congenital cataract
  16. Epinastine effectively treated cedar pollen allergic conjunctivitis
  17. Foreign-born US adults experienced lower asthma prevalence
  18. Girls, young women at higher risk for unsafe skin-protection practices
  19. Growth of 340B program triggers ‘battle over big money’
  20. In PTC patients, MUC1 expression linked to BRAFV600E mutation, lymph node metastasis
  21. Mount Sinai focuses on HCV initiative with $1.9 million grant
  22. Mutated polio virus can resist vaccination
  23. Nonsedation for transforaminal epidural steroid injections linked to low patient dissatisfaction rates
  24. Nonsedation for transforaminal epidural steroid injections linked to low patient dissatisfaction rates
  25. Osteoporosis frailty index may predict health risks in women
  26. Perception, sense of control, socioeconomic factors impact diet
  27. PRK enhancement after LASIK corrects near, distance visual acuity
  28. Recreational physical activity reduced risk for postmenopausal breast cancer
  29. Regular physical activity improved patient satisfaction after TKA
  30. Researchers urge studies on chronic diseases among HIV patients in developing world
  31. Seven recent developments in celiac disease research
  32. Survival rates for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander LT recipients similar to non-islanders
  33. The top ten items to read regarding concussions
  34. Three UC drugs approved by FDA
  35. Tranexamic acid decreases blood loss in patients undergoing TKA
  36. Transcatheter mitral valve repair yielded positive outcomes in functional, degenerative MR
  37. USPSTF recommends behavioral counseling for obese, overweight people at risk for CVD
  38. Weekend admission increased hospital stays for children with leukemia
  39. WHO, UN: Outlook for Ebola outbreak not hopeless