July 10, 2014 Articles
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- S. enterica emergence led to largest foodborne epidemic in England, Wales
- Accommodative bioanalogic IOL provides good range of vision, long-term stability
- Better patient–physician communication could improve fertility preservation in men with cancer
- Children in dysfunctional families less able to cope with parents’ cancer diagnosis
- CMS to unveil 5-star rating system next month
- Contact athletes can return to in-season sport after conservative treatment of anterior shoulder instability
- DaVita names new VP of home dialysis programs
- Direct hospital admission more cost-effective than ED admission
- EVAR improved safety vs. open repair in treating AAA
- Family history of IBD present in 12% of patients with UC
- FDA approvals, actions involving allergies
- FDA approves NovoSeven RT for Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia
- Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit is risk factor for little league shoulder
- Hemiliver grafts produced successful outcomes, survival in split liver transplantations
- High LDL particle levels may predict risk for CHD
- High out-of-pocket cost presents diabetes treatment barriers for one-fourth of US adult patients
- HIV rebounds in baby after 2 years with no ART
- Home nurse visitation reduced maternal, child mortality
- HPV status predicted OS after progression in oropharyngeal cancer
- Impaired insulin clearance linked with hyperinsulinemia, NASH in patients with NAFLD
- Living kidney donation doesn't increase risk of death or heart disease for older adult donors, study finds
- Locally advanced unresectable disease, systemic treatment associated with longer OS in chondrosarcoma
- Mediterranean diet, more than low-fat, postponed diabetes medications
- Mortality decreased for acute biliary diseases requiring ERCP
- Multiple factors affected QOL in caregivers of children with food allergies
- New classification system for glenoid bone loss uses type of bone defect, attrition
- NIH awards funds for new Alzheimer's studies
- No difference in return to play seen for NFL players who underwent either open or arthroscopic shoulder stabilization
- Novartis announces phase III study results for secukinumab
- OCT-guided postoperative posturing protocol improves macular hole closure rate
- Opt-out HIV testing in ED identified acute infections
- Partnership formed to increase latex allergy awareness
- Point-of-care tests for ocular surface disease gaining acceptance as diagnostic tools
- Psychiatric medications common cause of ED visits in US
- REGULATE-PCI trial placed on clinical hold
- RPS restructures AdenoPlus licensing agreement
- Sibling influence on obesity greater than parental, particularly among same sex
- Study: OCT imaging may aid in contact lens fitting
- Study: Pitching performance declines after UCL repair
- Study: Skeletally immature athletes have low re-injury rates after all-inside ACL reconstruction
- Thyroid cancer treatment no longer ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach
- Valeant completes sale of filler, toxin rights to Galderma
- Young adults suggest six ways to improve
- Zeiss announces confirmation of patents