
May 27, 2014 Articles

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  1. Allergan issues concerns about viability of Valeant’s business model
  2. Amakem initiates phase 2 study of investigational glaucoma agent
  3. AOA to honor Hall of Fame inductees
  4. Area poverty rate linked to incidence of certain cancers
  5. ASCO: Tamoxifen may be used up to 10 years for non-metastatic, HR-positive breast cancer
  6. Bacteria linger up to a week inside airplanes
  7. Birth, immigration in South Pacific may promote spread of dengue
  8. Clay particles could help stimulate stem cell repair of damaged bone tissue
  9. Diabetes-related coronary risk higher in women than men
  10. Dutch Kidney Foundation joins AWAK, Debiotech in developing smaller home hemodialysis machine
  11. ECT effective in treatment of neoplastic lesions
  12. ED visits for drug AEs more common in children with complex chronic conditions
  13. Exposure to e-cigarette vapor increases MRSA virulence
  14. FDA approves Vectibix plus FOLFOX to treat wild-type KRAS mCRC
  15. FDA grants 510(k) clearance for Propeller digital therapy update
  16. FFR led to revised treatment strategy in nearly half of patients
  17. to offer on-site coverage of SCAI Scientific Sessions
  18. Jeff Healey, MD, on SIMPLE trial results
  19. Kidney transplant patients with PKD may have a reduced risk of cancer compared to patients without PKD
  20. Less IOP fluctuation seen in patients with OAG and moderate-to-severe myopia
  21. Lifestyle intervention logical route in reducing type 2 diabetes risk
  22. Mediterranean dietary pattern not beneficial for dry eye syndrome, research finds
  23. Modified food challenge for peanut allergy could determine thresholds
  24. Montreal researchers seek new diabetes treatments that block enzyme
  25. Nosocomial infections among cirrhotic patients increased, showed association with mortality
  26. Osteoarthritis more likely following ACL reconstruction
  27. Patents granted for CO2-based allergen removal technique
  28. Patients with sacral chordomas may benefit from annual follow up with MRI
  29. Peer deviance predicted drug abuse in those who experienced parental divorce
  30. PPIs affected size, acidity, position of acid pocket in GERD patients
  31. Protocol comparison after radial fracture favors restricted elbow rotation
  32. Pyogenic discitis a commonly missed diagnosis after lumbar surgery
  33. Radiation superior to chemotherapy in Merkel cell carcinoma
  34. Rates of adverse events similar for TIV, LAIV
  35. Researchers explore quality of cancer death, end of life issues
  36. Sofosbuvir regimen outperformed other therapies in reducing liver complications in HCV patients
  37. Strampelli Medal Lecture highlights continuous evolution of OVDs
  38. Surgical resection of extremity tumors after chemotherapy brings better results
  39. Too much high-intensity exercise may adversely affect heart health