
April 02, 2014 Articles

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  1. 6% of colorectal cancers developed within 5 years after colonoscopy
  2. Abnormal liver function associated with risk for diabetes
  3. Accurate sizing, patient selection make phakic IOLs safer than laser, surgeon says
  4. ART suppresses genital virus shedding throughout menstrual cycle
  5. BioLight subsidiary files IND for study of glaucoma treatment
  6. Blindness rates decline significantly, AMD tops cataract, study finds
  7. Blocking CMPF metabolite may prevent cell failure causing diabetes
  8. Chloroquine-azithromycin combination decreased respiratory, gastrointestinal tract infections
  9. Cold snare polypectomy urged for patients on anticoagulants
  10. Elevated HBV DNA increased risk for advanced fibrosis
  11. Essilor completes acquisition of Transitions from PPG
  12. FDA approves Oralair, first SLIT agent for grass allergies
  13. Full influenza vaccination greatly reduced ICU admission in children
  14. GlaxoSmithKline withdraws EMA filing for Mekinist/Tafinlar combination in melanoma
  15. HCV-infected patients sought for simeprevir, sofosbuvir trials
  16. HEAT-PPCI: Heparin superior to bivalirudin in 28-day outcomes after primary PCI
  17. High adenoma detection rate decreased risk for colorectal cancer, death
  18. High BMI, body fat percentage may increase risk for thyroid cancer
  19. Instrumented arthrodesis for Duchenne muscular dystrophy scoliosis improves activity levels
  20. J.P. Reilly, MD, on the ZEUS trial
  21. Listen to the path to wellness
  22. Long-term follow-up shows stability of flapless corneal reshaping
  23. Low HPV transmission risk associated with genital wart removal
  24. Lower extremity autograft site causes persistent pain 1 year after harvest
  25. Maternal cardiac arrest rate in US hospitals higher than previously reported
  26. Mini-Cog test predicted 30-day outcomes for patients with HF
  27. New treatment strategies needed for drug-resistant organisms
  28. Obesity linked to carbohydrate breakdown gene
  29. Office of Device Evaluation will accept amendment to Wright Medical’s bone graft application
  30. Older age, smoking increased oral HPV viral load
  31. Poor sleep quality associated with cognitive decline in older men
  32. Postmastectomy radiotherapy reduced recurrence, mortality
  33. Q fever transmission suspected among hospitalized pregnant women
  34. Racial disparities in cancer survival persisted over 20-year period
  35. Reduced disease activity improved QoL in RA patients
  36. Renal Ventures Management acquires peritoneal dialysis center in New Jersey
  37. Salient to distribute Iridex products in Canada
  38. SGO elects 2014-15 president
  39. Speaker: Supplements should be vetted differently than pharmaceuticals
  40. Stress worsened allergic rhinitis flares
  41. Study shows new SCS lead is safe for MRI use
  42. Study: Socioeconomic factors can affect pediatric ACL reconstruction rate
  43. US demand for TJR remains steady despite recession, study finds